May 19, 2004 16:44
finally, I have some time to write something. Well, the last two weeks have been absolute hell. I'm not quite sure why, but I have had no time to do anything. Anyway, I made foux_roux a 1700's dress for a presentation! It looked very pretty but wasn't really done! I have also bought fabric to make my Arwen dress! I wore my corset to school last week and now because of that someone has asked me to make her one to, she's paying of coarse! Um, this weekend I have to make myself a costume for a presentation I'm doing on much fun! Today Eoin Colfer was at a local bookstore, but unfortunately I am/was not able to go. Anyway, just wanted to let the world know that I was still alive and that hopefully my life will calm down now so that I can update everyday!