Jun 01, 2007 19:49

I wanted to open something up for discussion to my friends, because I don't exactly know where all of you stand on this issue & I've been asked my views on it many times before.

Where do you stand on abortion: Pro-choice or Pro-life, and why?

I'm going to include my response in an LJ-cut below, because I don't want to influence anyone's answers with my own beliefs. So please type your response first, then read mine after if you'd like. Thanks. <3

I, personally, am Pro-choice. I believe that since it is a woman's body, she should be in control of what happens to it & what doesn't. Now, don't get me wrong, it pisses me off to see people who have no concept of birth control or condoms getting pregnant numerous times & aborting the baby just because they're immature. I don't think it's morally right at all, but that's her choice, not mine.
The strong reasons that I'm pro-choice are as follows: I think in the cases where a woman is raped & becomes pregnant as a result of that, should definitely have the option of abortion because the child & mother's life would most likely be very troubled. And it would be terrible on the mental health of the child to hear that you were the result of a rapist & that your mother endured something so horrible. In the cases of girls that are extremely young, I think abortion should definitely be an option. Someone who is 13 years old, obviously isn't going to be the best candidate to be a mother. Someone so young probably wouldn't know how to set a good example for or be as nurturing to a baby because they are children themselves. I also think that people that don't have the means to support a baby & give it a good life should have the choice to abortion, because a baby deserves to be brought up by parents who can care for it & get it the things it needs to survive & be healthy. In the case of very unstable or mentally ill parents, abortion should definitely be an option, because in no way would that child have a normal life. And mental illnesses are hereditary, so the child would most likely have whatever the parents have. And those that are unstable, have a history of violence, or a history of sexual abusing/molesting others wouldn't be the best choices for parents either for obvious reasons. In the case of a terminally ill/dying/diseased mother, I think abortion should be an option. Or in the case of a woman who could die from the pregnancy, abortion should be an option, in my opinion.
Another thing I want to mention, is that I don't believe that abortions at or after 12-16 weeks should be performed, because the baby has basically all of it's organs & features. Actually, I'd have to say I don't believe that after eight weeks they should be performed, just because I think it's morally wrong. I think that if you have a condition like the ones I listed above & you want an abortion, you should have it done as soon as or very soon after you find out you're pregnant. But those are just my views...

Please note: if you don't agree with how someone else feels & you want to comment their response negatively - don't start any drama here, be adults about it. :P
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