Apr 07, 2006 22:44

I had an amazing mind expanding journey. I found the true answer to the question of who's soul pieces into my own. I may have gone temporarily insane {or looked that way for a bit} but I came into deep thoughts. Some that clouded my head didn't make sense to anyone else. "You're eyes are a reflection of the sun." But they had made perfect sense to me for those hours. A lot was taken in & understood in a better light. The day after I was so disconnected, but so comprehending of the things around me. It was an amazing experience...

Today marks the second month of mine & Eric's relationship. It makes me smile to think that something worked that long for me. I was never good at keeping longer relationships {& have even had some that lasted only a few days.} But this seems different. We've both been hurt so much in the past, it helps us to better understand eachother though. Neither of us wants a broken heart or mental anguish. I really think this whole thing has the potential to last. And when have I ever been this optimistic about anything love related? I'm always the first to think "shit, better enjoy this while it lasts," but with him it's more like "I can see this going somewhere good." :)
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