Jul 28, 2006 10:24
Stolen from Dru, who stole it from Dan.
Random facts list.
1. I like mostly green bananas.
2. Dictionary.com is my most visited website, to make sure that I have correct spelling on words like "secret." The little words always look wrong when I type them, although they're not.
3. I love my feet.
4. I am absolutely stoked that my brother has a girlfriend.
5. When I'm bored I tweezer hairs on random parts of my skin, seeing how much of an area I can clear in a short amount of time.
6. I think Asians, on a whole, are more attractive than most people.
7. I can play the flute well, the bass alright, and the piano ok. I can sing so-so, and my family is a band. For now.
8. My family also has 4 albums out.
9. I think I am done with piercings, except for the one I need to re-do.
10. I used to have a big crush on Justin Timberlake when I was in 7th grade.
11. I love wearings skirts.
12. I'm scared of bathrooms in the night, when no one is on the same floor as me, and in the daytime, when no one is in the same building as me.
13. I have woken up crying many times, but never laughing.
14. I am a generally happy person. :) REALLY.
15. I complain too much. And I'm trying to work on it...
16. I LOVE languages, and am attempting to learn quite a few.
17. I love kids, even when they're pills.
18. I drive too much.
19. I drink liquids too fast.
20. I have really, really weird dreams and remember them really, really well.
21. I have a shallow fear that I am going to have an ugly child.
22. Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass are my favorite books of all time, and know too much about Lewis Carroll.
23. I'm too attached to my cell phone. And myspace.
24. DD-ing/ers is/are great.
25. I think guys with glasses are sexy.
26. I secretly love my short hair more than I do my long hair.
27. I want to get quite a few tattoos.
28. I say "really, seriously" too much.
29. Apparently, I'm now playing bass for Goodspeed? Just weird.
30. I like playing pointless video games, because I can leave them or pick them up whenever I want.
31. I am emotional.
32. I like climbing trees. When I have the right pants on.
33. I am flexible, despite looking... not... flexible.
34. It annoys me when someone has a constant "poor me" attitude.
35. Anything foreign around a child's mouth drives me crazy, and I feel that I must clean it. Koolaid stains especially.
36. My favorite fruit is pomegranate.
37. I think holding hands is special.
38. I am going to make this an even 50, even if it kills me.
39. I get most of my inspiration for art from other people. And my dreams. And my legs.
40. I think that pregnant ladies are the ultimate form of sexy. Besides Keira Knightley.
41. I have eaten mustard straight, and would do it again.
42. I know how to spell my sister's name in Irish.
43. I like to play the piano and sing loudly when no one is around.
44. I ask too many questions.
45. I get very defensive over my music.
46. I like the sound a hole-puncher makes.
47. I take my tea black.
48. The only reason I get bubble tea is so I can shoot the tapioca things at people.
49. I love knowing people. Really knowing them. And I love them knowing me.
50. I'm dead?
Ok, not really.
Oh, 51. I like walking bearfoot in grass.
52. And guys with accents.
Ok, now I'm done.
And Josiah really does have a girlfriend. She's from England. Her name is Ruth. She's visiting the end of August. Holla.