I just got back from luch with Jen and Jake. It's Jake's birthday tomorrow and he'll be eight years old. He's still the cooloest little kid I know. He wanted me to buy him a book today and I said I would if he'ld read me a little out of it first but he is pretty hyper and got distracted with some other book called Captain Underpants. Geez, the wierd shit kids like. Anyways, I'll buy him that book tomorrow and an Atari controller that has like 20 of the old title right inside the controller. Neat, huh? Used to take a whole game console and now they can fit a whole video game library into the palm of your hand.
I'm feeling kind of sleepy after luch so I think I'll take a nap before I go to work tonight. Here's some pics of today and last night...
Sometimes he just pisses me off soo much...