What lies beyoud the furthest reaches of the sky...?

Sep 22, 2004 01:46

Last Exile - Spoilers ahead up to the end!!

Is in LOVE with this series! >/////< Just finished it, and though I didn't much care for it when I just watched the first few eps last year, after watching the whole thing, is totally in love with it. It's a pity that Deeo died..... I liked him.....lots. He was so cute and innocent and nice~~ damn those people who likes killing off characters. Didn't much care for Alex, though it was cool seeing him strangle Delphine one handed. XD

Didn't really understand the ending with the Exile and Arvis (I just can't call her Aru...) but it was a good ending, so everything is fine. =w= me like happy endings~ and Moran lived~ *cheers* he definitely deserved that~ ^^ question with the four kids at the end though..... two of them I know are Moran and Dounia (sp?)'s..... but who the hell are the other two?? @_@ or did the couple have four kids??

Also... just out of morbid curiousity... I wanted to see what happened to Claus and Ravey's fathers in that vanship..... bones? corpses? give us a LOOK, dammit! =P

And I wanna that ending song now.....
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