give them nothing.

Oct 24, 2007 09:21

Schoolwork is seriously stressing me out.  It shouldn't be because I'm a smart enough girl to get by solely on studying for a test an hour before I take it. But I don't know.  Recently, I've been stressing about every paper, every test, every quiz.  I just want to take different languages courses.  Forget this history or economics. Instead of reading about stuff I really don't care about, I'll just study verb tenses and grammar and practice speaking the language.

I'm taking Chinese next semester. Along with Advanced Composition French.  I'm pretty excited.

We're going after ECU this weekend.  No sitting back. No backing down.  The ECU coach called Pat on Monday and congratulated him and the women's team on winning the CAA Championship this season, stating that "it's obvious that no other team in your conference is even close to your level."

First thought, WOW. What a compliment, to Pat and to us.  Second thought, Dude. It's only October. So many things can happen.

Every other team in the CAA thinks we're shaved down and tapered right now. They just don't want to accept that fact that we're running this conference so far this season.

I talked to John the other day. I think we're good. We kind of just talked like normal friends. Every now and then, he'd try to turn on me. Saying stuff like "I miss you darling" and telling me to drunk text him more. (Never mind the fact I haven't been close to drunk since July.)  But we're friends. Just friends and that's how it's going to be.

I'm in class right now. Perhaps I should be doing work...
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