Jun 13, 2005 23:34
Ok i don't know anymore i know everyone probably thinks i'm contradicting and everything but See this is how i feel: I love austin, but love isn't enough to keep us together, Now i'm with this guy named dane and its weird Hes great and everything but when i'm with him all i think about is Austin and I thought about dane and austin today and made a list of how they're alike and different, and my conclusion of this whole thing is that the reason i'm dating dane is because he is almost just like austin. His personality is almost the same but there are a couple of things that are different and its all good, there is nothing i don't like about neither one. I'm confussed, I think i'm just dating dane to cover up the whole that Austin left. I'M SO CONFUESSED!!! I don't want to hurt dane, but then i don't want to turn down an oppurtunity of changing my life and actually being able to be happy without Austin for once in my life with another guy. You know what i'm going to forget all about it and be happy with dane and try to just forget about my feelings for Austin and see how things go.