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bluemeanybeany April 13 2014, 21:14:40 UTC
They're next to a hall which in Thor they're claiming is a library, but it aint anything so refined and learned, it's a dining hall.

I'm just getting myself a bowl of cereal ready so I can munch it and vainly root for Hiddles on the television during the Olivier Awards.


sutherwinds April 13 2014, 21:35:25 UTC
I followed it by Twitter. It was fun to watch him taking pictures, giving autographs, interviews... He was ravishingly handsome today.


bluemeanybeany April 13 2014, 21:50:32 UTC
is he ever not ravishingly handsome. Whilst awalking in glorious sunshine in park, friend asked "is Hiddles going to be at the awards tonight?" I said "no I dont think so, he was in Toronto filming, last time I heard" Then I looked around at the glorious blue skies, blossom, happy robins and skylarks singing etc [it aint been like that for weeks!] and I was likely....*pause* "actually Hiddles may have returned to England"


sutherwinds April 13 2014, 21:56:30 UTC
Yeah; i saw it in the pictures, something different happened. My twitter got slower, my tablet collapsed for a while. I knew it had to do with him so far away in distance but so near in time. There he was, sharing with me the same skies.


bluemeanybeany April 13 2014, 22:10:24 UTC
Yeah poor dear just lost on the telly to Hollow Crown Daddy-Dearest. It's okay, he looks happy and not like he's going to prise the award from the sleeping hands of his father before having a weepy monologue....well not yet anyway, I'm sure that might happen in the aftershow drinks party.


sutherwinds April 13 2014, 22:27:27 UTC
Well, Richard Burton and Peter O'Toole were not lucky with the awards either. The fact is that Tommy is a very good actor, awarded or not. He is well known already among women of all ages. I, in a very small and far away country know him. The recipient of the Olivier Best Actor Award is unknown to me, I just forgot his name and it's very likely that he won't become a reluctant sex symbol any time soon. So, I hope Hiddles think less about awards and more about making movies that I could watch on the big screen. So far, I can only count Loki.


bluemeanybeany April 13 2014, 23:01:41 UTC
British actors do need both though, he does need to focus on the awards and he needs regular London theatre appearances every 2 years and he needs the Hollywood films, and probably BBC drama too. Hiddles is a very good actor, but he isnt a Great actor yet. He could be a Great actor and I want him to be, but he still needs to learn. He's got it too easy so far, he needs patience and probably Kenneth Branaugh teaching him, he's still a little apprentice, all the younger lot are.

In the long-term Hiddles is probably going to end up being Sir Hiddles whereas at the moment Benedict Cumberbatch is on track to be Lord Cumberbatch. I want to know what Hiddles potential actually is, he could genuinely great, but he needs to time to grow a bit and learn. He needs to be pushed and stretched a bit more.


bluemeanybeany April 13 2014, 23:31:57 UTC
that's aint my fangirl side talking by the way, FangirlMeany would paint rainbows on Hiddles, curl his hair into golden curls and repeatedly feed him chocolatey cupcakes of chocolately reward.

But "National Asset Management" ProducerMeany thinks we can't spoil the Younglings. I already know he's a damn fine actor and a sex pot on legs. That was enough to get him a cookie when he was a little toddleractor, and, in fairness, he ALWAYS wins all the cookies for Loki. But he's started school now with the older boys and while he gets a "well done I enjoyed that Thomas" and a team point for effort for the good work in Coriolanus, he doesnt get a cupcake. He only get's cupcakes now when he blows my socks off.


sutherwinds April 13 2014, 23:49:34 UTC
I concur. Hiddles is a work of art in progress. He has exposure and good acting skills and all what he needs now is time to grow. I remember years ago, when Orlando Bloom came out as a star. I have to confess I put posters and bought his movies. Then, I realized that he was not going anywhere. Sorry if you are a Bloomer(?), but the fact is that he had the looks but not much talent. He tried and so far, he is a great socialite and an acceptable elf.
Tom is wiser, he has Loki on his side, but doesn't possess him. One could've thought that after SDCC last year, Hiddles was ready to become Loki forever, but has brought to front row unknown Shakespearean characters as Coriolanus, and doing interesting stuff with Del Toro. So I have high hopes on him. As I said, Richard Burton never was fully recognized but he did great stuff of his own. Let's give our boy a tap on the shoulder and send him back to the salt mines. Red carpet is good, but I want him more in movies than in ceremony awards.


bluemeanybeany April 14 2014, 00:13:31 UTC
Bloom, bless him, is a nice man & very pleasing on the eye, but yeah, he shows no evidence so far of long term potential - he's basically a very nice friendly model, which is fine for ensemble blockbusters but hard to branch out from.

Hiddles is different, I'm hoping with a little bit of a push he could be Leslie Howard. One of the "youngsters" is going to have to take over the Branaugh role too, which Branaugh got from Attenborough who got it from Olivier which is basically unofficial leader of the troop. My money is on either Hiddles or Cumberbatch or James McAvoy, itll be whichever one is the leader.


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