17 - Titles - Are they the bane of your existence, or the easiest part of the fic? Also, if you do chaptered fic, do you give each chapter a title, or not?
Titles are fun. I usually go through books, quotations or everything that is at hand to find the most appropriate title for the story. I also love to title my chapters. That gives them certain prestige.
A-Team: No Prayers To Utter, No Tears To Shed comes from the first stanza of the poem A Burial by Ella Weeler Wilcox.(1850-1919):
Today I had a burial of my dead.
There was no shroud, no coffin, and no pall,
No prayers were uttered and no tears were shed
I only turned a picture to the wall.
Hogan's Heroes:
Doomsday Elevator and Night Terrors came up to reflect what the stories were about.
Based on movie titles:
The Man Who Shot Anton Havel / The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The chapter titles come from old Western movies
The Night of the General / The Night Of The Generals
The Haunting Of Peter Newkirk ( I just followed the cliché title The Haunting of... )
The chapter titles are lines from Macbeth
A line on a poem
Come Home A Hero Or Come Not Home At All, from a poem by A.E Housman, The Recruit.
Come you home a hero,
Or come not home at all,
The lads you leave will mind you
Till Ludlow tower shall fall.
Man From UNCLE
The Macguffin Affair. It comes from the word that Alfred Hitchcock used to call everything that did not have a specific name, the thing that the hero and the villain were looking for, the lost treasure... Affair is just to emulate the structure followed by MFU episodes. all of them are The Something Affair.
The chapters follow the same TV show structure. They are named after a line that someone will say in that chapter. This entry was originally posted at
http://www.dreamwidth.org/12345.html. Please comment there using OpenID.