the GazettE concert

Aug 01, 2010 01:16

yep yesterday was the day :D I went to gazette´s concert in hachioji. Well beside that it´s too hot here in tokyo and that I feel like dying when I walk only 10 minutes it was a good day x) we got our tickets at around 6pm and we went directly in after that. We were really scared when we saw the tickets and ther was written 2nd floor x.x we were already pissed before we saw our seats xD" but why? there was absolutely no need to x) we had, I think that, some of the best seats. We were sitting on the balcony (was only one) right in the front so we could see really good and there was nobody in front of us. I was sitting right in front of ruki :Dv I could see every band member really good. And of course I really enjoyed the concert. That means that I was headbanging, doing the furi, jumping and singing. They played some old songs and some new ones, like they do it on every concert. They also played ruder :3 and when that song started I was really really scared! Why? Because the fans were jumping from left to the right and back and the whole balcony was shaking. Like there was an earthquake... We were so scared that it would break, but then I remembered that the japanese build earthquake safe xDDD But I stopped jumping after that. It was really really scary the shaking of the balcony. I didn´t stop with the headbanging xD and that´s why my neck hurts really bad now ._.

well I don´t have much to say about the concert, because it was gazette and they were awesome like everytime. The merchandise was really expensive ;_; I just bought a shirt and a towel.

so uhm I was on the tegomassu concert today but I will write about it some other time, because I´m really tired right now and I will go to bed. Maybe I will have time to write about it tomorrow. So I´m off now :)


travel: japan

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