because he made my heart flutter

Nov 01, 2012 15:56

my favorite mistake
donghae/yoona; (changmin/yoona; donghae/jessica) ; romance-angst, pg ~ 1,167 words
and even when I know he has made my heart flutter, it'll still be always you
It’s my very very very first time writing Yoonhae please be gentle you guys. For lovely kurdoodle, my late birthday present!! I haven’t been very active writing lately. Sorry again that it’s late I love youuuuuu bb! Pacing is off for the Yoonhae because it is supposed to be a drabble then I exceed my 1000 word limit. As for the kaistal and baekiu, haha Idk really (I wrote a Taelli too but it was too disappointing to be posted, maybe after I rewrite it all, I think I’ll have it up). Please forgive the mess. ^^

“they are two different men; don't say you love only one”

She can’t sleep at night, shifting from here to there most of the time, kicking unconsciously the person next to her, tugging the sheets to her side once she rolls around, sobbing and dreaming and tired, as though her nightmares aren’t enough to prove it.

Being the only one around, he will usually sit upright and he holds her close to him (and perhaps sing her a lullaby, whichever works to ease her), and then a couple of times she will stop - often she doesn’t. He doesn’t complain much of how he is her boyfriend-slash- caretaker, because maybe the latter is part of his job description after all.

And he knows why, after reading her like any ordinary book (-except Yoona isn’t a book, and she isn’t ordinary either). Although they have dated for more than three months now, he doesn’t like to doubt. He loves her, yes Changmin does, and she loves him back. She just loves someone more than she loves Changmin, that’s all. That’s practically all.

Even when she cries a different man’s name, his hands are around her, always around her, knowing that no one is ever going to comfort (love) her more than Changmin ever will.

Yoona, with a slip of a tongue, admits that Changmin is like him. So much, she emphasizes. Both quiet when furious, both good listeners, both lovely singers - those ideal types everyone is making a big deal of, those things that make Changmin cringe.

He offers his hand and lets her hold onto it until she stops bawling, until her eyes are dry, that even at 4 am, he still is wide awake, watching the almost lifeless doll beside him rest. He is in love, but that love is not enough to take away the pain.

Slowly Changmin takes his hand. It is now his turn to shed tears, caressing her soft pink cheeks. This has to stop.

He drowns himself in alcohol, the most amazing scotch drink he finds hiding in the cupboards of his own home. He thinks bitterly of the past, the long live moments, the promises. Time sets fire to all of those and forces him to forget, bid goodbye, and let go. Time is one of the most stubborn creatures ever to come to earth, that even at early dawn he is still drinking and he doesn’t feel drunk at all. Either he is immune to it, or he has forgotten to check if he actually finished the first bottle. He realizes he has, but no headache is evident. He’s still quite sober.

By the doorway he sees her, already wrapped in robes, her brunette hair spilling over her hunched sholders. She crosses her arms, sighing worriedly and dawdling towards him, noting that he hasn’t slept yet.

He doesn’t move when she goes to him, her arms circling his torso and her head lying on his back. She weeps, undeniably even just like her, he notices.

“You have to stop this. Please -” (I need you, too.)

She is begging, almost like her, he recalls. “I’m sorry, Sooyeon. I can’t.”

Her name is bitter in his mouth, and Sooyeon knows, making her sob even stronger. Her eyes speak, “I love you.”

“It doesn’t change a thing.” His eyes remain unfazed. (But I need her most.)

He admits, untangling her hands and facing her. Though in appearance they look nothing alike, still the way their eyes match when they cried, the way she clings to him so tightly, the way she intertwines her fingers with his - similar that it reminds him again why he chose Sooyeon to be his girlfriend.

He is hurting her. But he’s too hurt to think of that.

They embrace each other quite long, and Donghae doesn’t squirm away. Sooyeon’s heart has always been struggling, always wanting to be wanted but seem to fail at it. His heart, she knows, beats only for that one girl. And she accepts that it can never be her, never was her, and never will be Jung Sooyeon.

Yet she continues to hold on. For a little while longer. Just in case it changes things.

“Wear this.”

He hangs a dress by the doorknob, probably something from the cleaners because it smells like spring, even though it is the start of winter that day. She looks up, unable to drink her tea, and gives a questioning look.

He puts on his coat nonchalantly. “We’re going out today. To meet the snow. You like that, right?”

Confused, Yoona slightly nods. “But it’s cold. I’ll freeze to death with that dress.”

“Wear your coat, so we can look like a we’re wearing couple clothes,” Changmin requests, smiling swiftly before disappearing into the living room. “Finish your tea and I’ll get your boots and scarf ready.”

Today he has to be brave, braver than he was from yesterday.

The funny thing about Changmin with walks is that he is very silent, always so uninterested in talking, excluding the occasional conversation killers he pulls. Yoona tries not to change that one thing about him.

As they stop by the park, the first snow starts to fall, Changmin loosely taking her hand off his arm and holding it very tightly (his heart still wishing that she’ll feel warm when he’s around but that is never the case). The path they take is deserted, and by far at the end of the misty 10 o’ clock walk, another pair is walking towards their direction.

It is like a mirror, that they reflect each other’s footsteps, every sigh and every wide-eye expression that expressed their last minute heartbreaks.

She holds her breathe, and Changmin’s heart sinks.

“It’s Donghae and Sooyeon,” he whispers to her.

“What’s... what are they doing here?” She stutters right after.

Sooyeon has to be brave today, braver than she was for the last months.

Although it feels wrong that she sees her innocent face, that face that cruelly ruined her relationship with Donghae, she takes a step back from him, still eyeing the girl with a poker face then suddenly to a frown but it later ends up being a smile, and then disappearing into the snow, Yoona’s eyes on her movement that she hasn’t realized the person who has been beside her (for these three months) also disappears.

She then painfully looks at Donghae, and her mind uncontrollably forces in memories from before. It still hurts, the way he just left without saying and then coming back, already bringing along a girl. They are still wounds she won’t be able to get rid of.

“Yoona... look, you didn’t even give me time -”

She looks at her boots, the ones Changmin prepared earlier for her. What a nice man, she thinks. “Say sorry one last time and mean it.”

“I’m sorry, okay. I am.” He doesn’t hesistate, and Yoona doesn’t either as she warmly gives him a kiss that is long past due decades and centuries ago.

(I love you most. And always will.)

my one in six billion
Kai/Krystal; Romance-Fluff, pg ~ 503 words
You're the only one for me, even when you're not yourself.

“Why are you so fat?”

“Why do you complain too much?”

His back ached a little with every step he took uphill. He wasn’t that rich to get her a taxi either, and she was broke after getting thrown out from her own home (quite a long story, he always avoided when people asked). She had nowhere else to go, and he had a tiny room for an apartment up at central, near Gyeonggi. Now they were living together, for fifteen days, fourteen hours, three minutes and forty-eight seconds but who’s counting. Nope, not Jongin, he quickly would deny.

“Geez, Soojung you’re so heavy.”

“Then put me down.”

“Why don’t I just leave you here in the middle of the road because you’re drunk and I’m tired?”

“I’m not drunk.”

“Yes, and neither am I.”

Soojung was and always had been fiesty, especially when she drank... stuff, he noted.  She wasn’t scared of anything, other than spiders, tyrant fathers, and pomegranates. He didn’t understand too why it was the top three but he made sure to keep his place clean of cobwebs, warned whenever his father (or her father) would come go looking for them and only bought grapefruits, like she requested.

She seemed to have the  lowest alcohol tolerance though, despite her strong appeal, and Jongin took the time to adjust to her gin preferrances.

“Shut up.”

“You shut up.”

“Make me.”

“We can’t make-out here, Soojung please I don’t need you and your wait-I-need-to-vomit moments.”

“I made-out with Sehun the other night.”

“Stay away from Sehun.”

“Are you jealous?”


She whacked his back, annoyed. Soojung gritted her teeth, tugging on his hair lightly as he groaned for her to stop it or else he would drop a big pig like her and he would leave her  behind. When she finally settled, she made a hmph sound to show her irritation, looking at the stars above them.

“I’m no one’s girl.” She smiled when she said it.

“You’re my girl.” He frowned when he said it.

“So why can’t we make-out?” That was a whine. Jongin disliked whining.

“Because!” He stopped, putting her down and facing her at once. His eyes were never the problem when he was induced with alcohol, and neither were his legs, but the moment he saw her in those dark ripped jeans and black boots, black mascara (what a fan of black, really) and messy hair with a band-aid on her forehead, his knees started to go weak, and his eyes played with him like how they usually would when he was around her. What a mess, Soojung was. Quite a beautiful mess.

“Because we’re both tipsy!” He rubbed his eyes, holding her hand now to balance.

They were both silent. And drunk. And they have been together for fifteen days, fourteen hours, nine minutes and twenty seconds but who’s counting.

Gripping his hand strongly, she planted a small kiss on his check, beaming afterwards that he looked surprised. “Thank you for being tipsy with me.”

my momentary thing
Baekhyun/IU; Romance-Fluff, g 411 words
What do you think is the craziest thing you'll ever do with the person you love?

Her left heel cracks unexpectedly that causes her unsteadiness, following thereafter her knees wobbling; either because she is panicky or thrilled, or a little of both that she realizes this may be the effect for such a stir. She stares at the beads now rolling off her dress, the ones not properly sewed falling off faster than the rain coming down the moment she steps (escapes) out of the cathedral.

Jieun thinks suddenly it’s all slow motion, yet fleeting, like a love song, like a fairy tale, like seeing your soulmate for the first time in the most romantice place in the world, which makes it more funny because there is not a single song playing inside her head, and she is too old to believe in Cinderella. Plus, she has met her soulmate ages ago - certainly this my-whole-world-slows-down-because-of-you feeling is different.

Now she’s racing as fast as she can on her wedding day, a quarter before it hits three o’ clock - her grin reaching her eyes as she doesn’t dare check if anyone is still after them, her hand holding his so tightly. His smile as well lightens the dark skies, and they find shelter from the rain under the barber shop’s awning. They realize they lost alll the groom’s chasers by switching avenues and alleys (he is quite good at it, scurrying through dirty streets and knowing where it’ll lead you; that’s probably the only thing he’s good at, she says and they will burst into laughter because there’s a tiny spoon of truth in it).

“We’re off to a good start!” He laughs, drenched, freezing but nonetheless happy.

Panting, she punches his arm. “Lose the grin, Bacon. I don’t like being a runaway bride for nothing.”

He sighs, still smiling. “We can’t stop here, you know. We’ll take that plane to Paris, live there for the rest of our lives, raise kids and start a business. Maybe a bar where I can play the piano and you can sing -”

“And we’ll never look back,” Jieun whispers, trying to stay calm as it also excites her.

Baekhyun catches a glimpse of her smile. She doesn’t let go of his hand (not ever) and she inches closer. He presses and returns the intensity of her grip and Baekhyun, with his free hand, tucks the limpy hair crossing her face at the back of her ear. They smile at each other after this.

“We’ll never look back from here on.”

fandom: super junior, fandom: f(x), #elle, fandom: exo, fandom: iu, fandom: snsd, pairing: baekhyun/iu♥, pairing: kai/krystal♥, pairing: donghae/yoona♥

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