[Art] Fanart to seraphimerising's FIC (second pic of two)

Jan 19, 2011 12:17

Title: You were right about me (Ron/Malfoys) (Art for seraphimerising's fanfic on LJ) (second pic)
Drawer: sutekh_nubt
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Malfoys/ RW
Warnings: eh, nudity?
Rating: The question still stands: How does one rate artwork?
Disclaimer: My name is not JK Rowling and thus I don't earn anything with this little thing.

Second pic for seraphimerising 's fanfiction "You were right about me (Ron/Malfoys)" on LJ.
I tried to draw a bit realistic and I think that life drawing course I visited last year paid off. (Although there are still some mistakes and the perspective seems a bit off.) And yes, I changed the hairstyles (I didn't want to give Draco a receding hairline...).
(Can everybody recognize who is who?)

By the way: If someone wants to use this sketch and give it a bit of colour, just tell me.

Well, since Animexx and deviantArt both think - for whatever reason - that the second pic is adult and therefore has restricted access, I'll just put it here:

fandom: harry potter, pairing: lucius/ron, fan art

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