G-g-g-g-goddamn. It's f-f-f-fucking.. c-c-c-cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess my livejournal can be random funny convos... XD
[edit] Oh yea. I would like to kill some of our lovely GC members. :) [/edit]
(22:16:53) Stephie: Poor Don
(22:17:02) Stephie: I think I torture him so much ;)
(22:17:16) Lifetap: I'm currently looking around my room for cameras kthx.
(22:17:17) Chibil: You torture everyone XD
(22:17:19) Stephie: *too
(22:17:20) Nei: xD
(22:17:21) Stephie: Hahaha
(22:17:26) Stephie: I think I torture Don the most
(22:17:33) Silus: oteph doesn't torture me!
(22:17:35) Nei: (shes flirting with you)
(22:17:37) * Nei whistles
(22:17:45) Stephie: NANI!?!@!@!!!!!!!!
(22:17:47) Lifetap: :O
(22:17:49) Nei: 8)
(22:17:53) Chibil: =O
(22:17:55) * Stephie pushes Dan out the door.
(22:17:57) Shelly: I torture Dan the most. ^^
(22:17:59) Shelly: Definitely.
(22:17:59) Nei: ow
(22:18:02) Stephie: YEs!
(22:18:05) Stephie: Michieeee torture Dan!
(22:18:09) Nei: see..
(22:18:11) Nei: connection
(22:18:17) Stephie: What connection! >O!
(22:18:22) Nei: mich tortures me because she likes me... stephie tortures don because.. ?!?
(22:18:23) Nei: xD
(22:18:27) * Shelly grabs peacock feather.
(22:18:29) Stephie: ...
(22:18:30) Stephie: LOL
(22:18:31) Nei: >:|
(22:18:33) Nei: evil
(22:18:35) Silus: oteph likes me :O
(22:18:38) Nei: haha
(22:18:40) Silus: she even thinks quoc and i are hot
(22:18:47) Stephie: Oh god
(22:18:48) Nei: she likes 12 year olds? XD
(22:18:49) Stephie: not that again
(22:18:51) Stephie: NOOO
(22:18:53) Shelly: Maybe she's attracted to stoned guys.
(22:18:56) Silus: YOU DID SAY THAT
(22:18:56) Stephie: You always take what I say WRONG!!
(22:18:56) Chibil: D:!!
(22:18:57) Nei: maybe
(22:19:00) * Stephie dies.
(22:19:01) * Shelly coughs "Don."
(22:19:02) Silus: you were like
(22:19:05) Nei: rofl
(22:19:08) Stephie: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
(22:19:10) Silus: "i like seeing hot guys make out"
(22:19:11) Shelly: XD
(22:19:13) Nei: wow i think we even got mich on our side XD
(22:19:14) Stephie: LOL
(22:19:17) Silus: "that's why i wanna see minh and quoc make out"
(22:19:17) Stephie: I remember that....
(22:19:19) Nei: horray for stephie bashing time
(22:19:22) Stephie: NO
(22:19:24) Stephie: I NEVER SAID THAT
(22:19:26) Shelly: Yaoi picture?!?!
(22:19:27) Stephie: NEVER SAID THAT
(22:19:30) Silus: you did too!! >O
(22:19:31) Stephie: DIE MINH
(22:19:32) Stephie: DIE MINH
(22:19:33) Stephie: DIE MINH
(22:19:34) Stephie: DIE
(22:19:36) Stephie: DIEEEE
(22:19:36) Nei: LOL
(22:19:37) Stephie: SHI NEEEEEE
(22:19:38) * Shelly pats Stephie.
(22:19:39) Stephie: SHIIIII NEEEEE!
(22:19:40) Nei: aww stephie
(22:19:41) Silus: :O
(22:19:43) Nei: its okaay
(22:19:45) Stephie: >)
(22:19:51) Stephie: Okay I'm calm again.
(22:19:54) Lifetap: ...What am i missing? +_+
(22:19:56) Chibil: o.O
(22:19:57) Stephie: LOL
(22:19:59) Chibil: ? vanilla
(22:20:01) Shelly: Stephie has a fetish.
(22:20:01) Nei: apparently
(22:20:02) Nei: stephie likes you
(22:20:07) Stephie: Oh gosh.
(22:20:08) Nei: and stephie thinks quoc and minh are hot :o
(22:20:12) Stephie: >O
(22:20:15) Nei: <3
(22:20:17) Lifetap: :E
(22:20:17) * Nei whistles
(22:20:18) Stephie: Why am I always abused? XD
(22:20:20) Nei: XD
(22:20:25) Shelly: We love you.
(22:20:26) Shelly: ^^
(22:20:27) Silus: because you abuse everyone else XD
(22:20:28) Chibil: WHO is abused? >.>
(22:20:29) Stephie: XD
(22:20:33) SexyBitch: vanilla: boku wa.. kimi no.. Vanilla!
(22:20:34) * Stephie abuses everyone.
(22:20:36) Lifetap: ? as >_>
(22:20:36) SexyBitch: as: Abusive Steph OR Assmole Steph
(22:20:38) Chibil: I'm the abused one here!
(22:20:39) Stephie: LOL
(22:20:40) * Nei is abused... WOOT!
(22:20:50) Shelly: Heeeey, only I get to abuse Dan.
(22:20:54) Nei: aww
(22:20:54) Nei: darn
(22:20:55) Nei: ;P
(22:20:58) Stephie: Ahahaha
(22:21:01) Shelly: You can have everyone else.
(22:21:03) Nei: haha
(22:21:04) Stephie: Fin:O
(22:21:06) Stephie: :O!
(22:21:08) Shelly: XD
(22:21:08) Stephie: How many guys is that?!
(22:21:11) Nei: sharing is caring mich >O
(22:21:11) Shelly: A lot.
(22:21:11) Nei: lol
(22:21:13) * Stephie counts.
(22:21:15) Shelly: NEVAR
(22:21:18) Stephie: 1. DON!!!!!
(22:21:21) Stephie: 2. OINH!
(22:21:22) * Shelly hauls you away with handcuffs.
(22:21:26) Stephie: Nooooo
(22:21:31) Stephie: I was counting T-T
(22:21:38) Silus: see
(22:21:41) Stephie: 3... QUOC
(22:21:42) Silus: how come she counts us two first :O
(22:21:43) Nei: (notice how she lists don oinh and and quoc first)
(22:21:43) Shelly: Oh, I was hauling Dan away.
(22:21:45) Silus: us 3!!1
(22:21:46) Silus: O_O
(22:21:47) Stephie: >O
(22:21:48) Nei: HAHAHAHHAA
(22:21:52) Stephie: omfg!
(22:21:55) Lifetap: Poor Pat?... :O
(22:21:58) Nei: and quoc isnt even here..
(22:22:00) Nei: hahahahha
(22:22:01) Nei: xD
(22:22:01) Stephie: .....
(22:22:02) Shelly: Pat!@!@!
(22:22:05) Silus: XD
(22:22:06) Nei: lol
(22:22:06) Stephie: 4.. Pat..
(22:22:06) Shelly: And Wentao!
(22:22:08) Shelly: XD
(22:22:09) Chibil: Pat isn't here =(
(22:22:11) Nei: his computer
(22:22:13) Nei: is spoofed out
(22:22:16) Stephie: Aww D:
(22:22:19) Nei: i think he splooged on it too much or something
(22:22:23) Stephie: splooged XD
(22:22:25) Nei: XD
(22:22:26) Shelly: We can share Jeff though, there's enough white-ness of him to go around.
(22:22:37) Stephie: LOL
(22:22:39) Stephie: YES!
(22:22:39) Nei: hey what you can share jeff and i dont get to be shared? :\ darn. XD
(22:22:40) Silus: hmm
(22:22:43) Silus: jeff is like whiteout
(22:22:46) Silus: always there when you need it
(22:22:48) Nei: lol
(22:22:49) Silus: but you never have enough
(22:22:51) * Stephie and Michie pulls Jeffie apart. :)
(22:22:55) Shelly: <3
(22:23:04) Shelly: You want his upper or lower half?
(22:23:10) Stephie: I WANT TEH POOF!
(22:23:15) Stephie: Upper ;)
(22:23:23) Shelly: Okay, I'll take the lower then.
(22:23:28) * Chibil hides and avoids abuse for just a lil longer
(22:23:33) Stephie: 5. Rie.
(22:23:40) Chibil: NYU!
(22:23:41) Chibil: D:!
(22:23:43) Stephie: 5.5: Jeffie
(22:23:47) Nei: lol
(22:23:55) Stephie: WHo am I missing?
(22:23:58) Nei: wouldnt that make
(22:23:58) Chibil: Why don't I get to be lastly abused? D:
(22:24:02) Nei: rie half also? :\
(22:24:03) Lifetap: Wentao.
(22:24:03) Stephie: haahha
(22:24:09) Stephie: 6.5 Wentao XD
(22:24:14) Shelly: 6.5?
(22:24:15) Shelly: Rofl
(22:24:17) Lifetap: Dragoon? :O
(22:24:21) Stephie: 7.5 Steve
(22:24:25) Lifetap: Chooozo? ....
(22:24:28) Stephie: haha xD
(22:24:29) Stephie: ......
(22:24:31) Stephie: Chozo is white ne?
(22:24:32) Deus: O.O
(22:24:33) Nei: lol
(22:24:35) Stephie: HI JEFFIE
(22:24:38) Stephie: I GOT YOUR POOF
(22:24:39) Chibil: 'ey JEFF!
(22:24:41) Shelly: I get your lower half!
(22:24:41) Stephie: <3 <3
(22:24:45) Stephie: Hahha
(22:24:48) * Chibil is now known as Rie
(22:24:50) Deus: yeah you want my buns dont you
(22:24:52) Stephie: I got 7.5 Boys to ABUSE!!
(22:24:53) Nei: haha
(22:25:03) Stephie: wait, Chozo is white
(22:25:04) Shelly: I have 1.5
(22:25:07) Shelly: That's enough though.
(22:25:07) Stephie: so Mich gets another half
(22:25:09) Shelly: ^^
(22:25:11) Stephie: :D
(22:25:14) Shelly: Ooh, 2 then.
(22:25:16) Stephie: 8.0 boys to abuse <3
(22:25:21) Shelly: <3
(22:25:24) Stephie: Oh baby. ;)
(22:25:33) Lifetap: Uh... -_-
Sutefi: Mm.. you're right there..
Sutefi: Music is soothing.. ^^
xChibiRie: Music is your bf!!!!!!!
Sutefi: =-O
Sutefi: Good idea.
Sutefi: Jeffieeee
Sutefi: I have a BF!
Sutefi: Guess who it is?
DeusExMachinaaX: O.O
DeusExMachinaaX: who??
Sutefi: Music!
DeusExMachinaaX: lol omg
DeusExMachinaaX: you scared me so much
Sutefi: O.O;
DeusExMachinaaX: i was like NANI????????????!!!!!!
DeusExMachinaaX: hahahah
Sutefi: LOL!!!!!
Sutefi: Why would it be so scary!!
DeusExMachinaaX: because you never told me anything of it and then suddenly BAM i would be like MISSY YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO
Sutefi: Hhahaah
DeusExMachinaaX: ^^;;
http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?p=dict&String=exact&Acronym=BF Which of those did BF stand for? :O
Spawn0fEvil: Basic Function, Yes?
Sutefi: LOL
Sutefi: Hahahaha
Sutefi: Music is my babelfish.
Spawn0fEvil: Nooo Basic Function makes more sense D:
Sutefi: babelfish is more fun!
Spawn0fEvil: +_+
nov 23, 2004