I'm working out the details for a Sutcliff fic/art(/???) exchange to be held sometime this spring/summer if all goes well--previous brainstorming sessions with interested parties brought to light a number of questions, potential concerns, and now that I'm trying to nail down things like signups and timelines, I think it's time for more input.
If you're interested in participating in a Sutcliff book-based (no movie/radioplay/TV-based Eagle of the Ninth or Blood Feud fanworks, in other words) and would like to have input on things like timeline, matching, allowable types of fanworks, and so on, please head over to the
Livejournal or
Dreamwidth brainstorming posts, and consider adding one of the sutcliff_swap communities to your reading list (I don't want to keep crossposting and spam everyone in other comms):