_likimeya -
Day and Dream United PG We know Marcus’ thoughts and feelings after Esca’s near-death experience in the arena and when he bought him the next day, but I think Esca’s willingness, eagerness even, to except his new situation as a personal servant needed a bit of explaining. Eagle of the Ninth.
_likimeya -
Penitence Gen, Frontier Wolf. In the darkness of the night on the frontier, Hilarion comes to regret his sarcastic words of welcome to the new commander at Castellum.
derryderrydown -
Good Country, Gen, Frontier Wolf. Good hunting country.
forodwaith -
Fox and Hound Gen, Esca and Marcus, follows Centurion's Hound below. The Eagle of the Ninth.
forodwaith -
Declining Ficlet from The Lantern Bearers. Five moments from post-Roman Britain.
duskpeterson -
Princeling In a world where war has lasted for generations, in which only the pitiless nobles who wage war hold power, and those who cannot fight must suffer or seek slow death . . . What would you do if you were a noble, and you lost the ability to fight? Princeling, fantasy novels set in a world where war has lasted for generations. Original fiction inspired by The Mark of the Horse Lord.
lady-rhiyana -
Vigil gen, from Sword at Sunset
shanaqui -
?Gamma 1sentence fiction 50 sentences linked to key words The Eagle of the Ninth.
tryfanstone -
The Centurion's Hound R, Esca/Marcus after The Eagle of the Ninth
tryfanstone -
Summer of the Wolf R. Follows The Centurion's Hound and Fox and Hound.
tryfanstone -
Frontier Games PG-13, Alexios/Hilarion from Frontier Wolf.
valderys -
Morning out of Darkness Gen, AU fusion with Merlin. From The Lantern Bearers - Aquila has fought battles all of his long life, but it's strange that now, as an old man, it's the hard won peace of Camelot that seems so hard to bear…
viva_gloria -
A White Thread, A Black Thread From Blood and Sand. R, Thomas / Tussun. Three missing scenes.
viva_gloria -
Saturnalian Games Drabble, Esca/Marcus. The Eagle of the Ninth.