Apr 11, 2007 13:05
Since the disaster of the last job - I never made it past the first day - I have been taring my hair out in order to find employemnt as usual.
Today I had the most fortunate of times, albeit completely random. Searching the jobcentre website as you do, I whoosed past the jobs I had either already applied for, or which didn't apply to me and almost flew past a Data Entry Clerk submission that I hadn't seen there in the past week. It appeared out of no-where I tell thee. So I cliked the link and looked upon a very brief description, saying that the skills required were fast and accurate typing. That's all. Nothing else. The hours are reasonable, though not as much as one would like - 30 to be exact, and the wage okish at £6 per hour and so knowing full well that I would kick myself if I didn't go for it, I rang the number listed.
I was greeted by a soft spoken gentleman in a friendly and informal manner who asked my name and typing speed. After telling me a little about the work - basically inputting raffle tickets onto the database - he asked if I would like to go there on Friday and "have a go". O.O I was expecting reems of application forms and weeks of waiting. Instead I get to jump right in feet first. Of course I have to travel for about an hour to get there and I have no idea of where to get off the bus - the stop is by a service station in the middle of the motorway - but that will all be explained in an e-mail I am waiting in eager anticipation for.
I really hope this one doesn't go tits-up as well. Stacey needs monies!!