Oh weird dreams

Sep 18, 2008 08:26

I dunno, I felt like I had to share this one.

So last night I dreamed that I went home for a while then came back here (I think). When I was home I was looking for things and then, of course, after I had left I realized that I'd forgotten what I keep telling myself I need to get when I'm actually there, so I had some fun awkward moments dealing with that in the dream (plus in the dream it was almost instant there to here so... yeah). Anyway....

On the way up here I find out that two of my friends don't necessarily have places to stay (so maybe it wasn't supposed to be here in Syracuse?) so I offered them each the use of my bed in my apartment while I'd be sleeping on the couch (so maybe it was supposed to be here in Syracuse?). Yay dream plotholes.

So I get back up here and I dream that my mom's friend's son (who's my age but really went to RPI and would not know anything about Syracuse anyway) volunteered to take me and a bunch of friends to a restaurant/bar he liked (I don't remember exactly who was in my car, but his 18-year-old sister was coming along and was one of them). Anyway, it turned out to be a bar. It was a small bar, a nice bar, and of course when there is mention of alcohol who should come into my brain but Step-hen. So somehow he knows some of my friends better than I do and goes "Why are you here? Oh yeah, because you're from Syracuse and you want alcohol and because you're gay" and I was shocked because it was one of the guys in my classes who I don't think is gay but ::shrug:: who knows? Anyway, this was in the entrance area but they didn't have anyone checking IDs (which, it seemed, didn't matter to them) so we just went in.

Yes, we went to a gay bar in my dream.

It turned out that another of the MSLIS students I really don't think is gay was there and he offered me a drink. Actually, a few. Mostly saying that they were incredibly strong drinks made with vodka (vodka being my alcohol of choice) and me being like "Pee-shaw!" and drinking them to loosen myself up a bit. (Then someone I knew from elementary school through high school showed up and was like the barback or something? I dunno, but he was one of the few people who I think is actually gay who showed up at the gay bar in my dream.)

Of course, this being my dream, it didn't actually end up making me that much more loosened up although one of the drinks almost spilled on me because the glass was squishy and I was initially picking it up by the rim (not a good idea with squishy martini glasses) and I ended up just holding it the way a normal person would and it was fine. Of course, I couldn't taste the vodka but I also didn't tell anyone in the dream that.

Anyway, so...

I think to myself "I could really go for vodka with raspberry juice right now" (believe me, I would never have three drinks this quickly without water in real life, but it was just fun in the dream because I was suddenly being sorta social) and one of the bartenders and one of the friends I'd brought came in carrying a case of "Raspberry Lemonade" (presumably with alcohol in it somehow) ((TANGENT: I was tempted to buy at least one bottle of Orangina in Wegmans in reference to my greatest fear ever)) and it turned out that my friend liked the bar so much he'd taken a job there. Somehow in this bar the guys wore (essentially) tuxes without the jackets or bowties (so black pants, white scalloped shirt, and cummerbund--yes, that's how you spell it--) and it looked really good on him. Like surprisingly good. Anyway.

So I get distracted and I start wondering why my mom's friend's son would have taken us here. In the dream I guess I was disregarding the fact that he's living with his girlfriend for now and, well, there was a weird buildup.


MFD(Mom's Friend's Daughter): So it's sorta funny about this place, isn't it, J?
MFS(Mom's Friend's Son): Yeah. Y'know, they always tell you not to apply for a job on a Sunday because that's when the bosses are out making deliveries. (??? I've never heard that reasoning but I nodded along)
MFD: Yeah, you'd think it was obvious why he was applying here.
MFS: Well, not necessarily obvious, but...
MFD: Oh, c'mon, you know why you wanted to work here...
MFS: I guess. I mean, why would I want to work at a gay bar so badly if I wasn't gay?

and I am floored. And then I woke up.

And I was really confused for a while because I was like "MFS isn't gay. He's living with his girlfriend" and then I was like "..... oh yeah, it was a dream. I'm so stupid sometimes." Then I turned off the alarm, laid back down, turned over to go back to sleep so the next alarm could wake me up, and couldn't sleep. So I came here to write the dream down. Hopefully someone will find it as fucked-up as I did.

i need a gay bar icon, wtf?, dream, gay bar

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