Fic: Carefully designed plans

Feb 06, 2011 00:17

Title: Carefully designed plans
Author: susumi_chan 
Characters: Kostja, Nathan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: 994
Summary: All Kostja wanted was a night with himself, a newly obtained book and no interruptions. Of course, when you want exactly that things definetly will not go as planned.
A/N: For geminick , a "drabble" request from my dA. She wanted something with her characters Kostja and Nathan, simply to see how my view on the characters were. This is it. I really hope you will like this, and this is totally how I see them work together.
This piece also has not been beta read, all mistakes are my own. And characters belong to geminick

He had been hoping to get a calm evening for himself. Him, a nice book and a good wine while sitting in his favourite chair until he deemed himself satisfied for the night. And for about an hour or so Kostja was incredibly satisfied, completely immersed in his novel when something felt incredibly off.

Lowering his book, the source of his distress was right there, grinning slyly at him from the open doorway. To think he hadn't noticed his presence until now, he was getting a bit lazy.

"Nathan," he said, cocking an eyebrow as he lay down his book in his lap, fixing his eyes upon the other man in the room. "May I ask what you are doing here? Didn't I tell you to go home? Several times."

The other only shrugged and it was then that Kostja noticed that Nathan was wearing a pair of pyjama pants. His pyjama pants. And they hung low on his hips, threatening to fall off at any time. Rubbing his temple, he sighed tiredly and once again looked up at the man, only to find his startlingly green eyes too close for his comfort.

"...can you at least answer me why you are wearing my night wear?" Kostja forced himself not to let his eyes be drawn downwards to the exposed tan skin that he suspected would be ridiculously soft and warm. Not that he cared. Maybe a little, but it definitely wasn't anything he would ever tell Nathan.

"Well, Kostja, you see," he began and straightened up, making it blatantly obvious that he was flaunting himself shamelessly in front of the slightly older man, "I was thinking you and I could have a little evening of bonding."


"Yes. Exactly. And what better way to know each other properly is there besides a sleepover?"

Kostja blinked. He didn't know what to make out of this. A sleepover? Really?

"Aren't you a bit old for that?" he asked and sighed heavily as he picked up his book again, deciding it was better for his sanity to just ignore the intruder and pretend he just didn't exist. No such luck, however, as Nathan pulled the book out of his hand and put a temporary bookmark between the pages.

"I said, we are having a sleepover. I did not pick your lock open to be pushed away," he said and crossed his arms over his chest, still holding onto the book. "Let's make a deal, dearest. Have this sleepover with me, all according to my rules and... I'll leave you alone."

His hazel blue eyes glanced up to meet green, trying to discern what other motif there was behind that offer. It couldn't be that easy, it never was that easy when it came to Nathan. Kostja had learned the hard way.

"One month," he said and he could immediately see the change in the other, how his green eyes seemed to sparkle, taking that as a challenge.

"Two days," Nathan replied, a twitch at his lips telling that he found this amusing.

"One month," Kostja said again, making the other sighing dramatically, pushing his hip out and placing his hand on them and in doing so, pushing the pants a little bit further down. It was probably intended too.

"That's not how you negotiate properly. You are supposed to say 'three weeks'," Nathan told him matter-of-factly, shaking his head so that his black hair got even more ruffled then it was and even if Kostja tried to deny it, it looked good.

"One. Month." But that did not mean he would back down.

"Fine. One week, but that's as high as I go," Nathan said and nodded firmly. "But if you want to try and negotiate it up, do feel free to try. I dare you to." And Kostja knew it was a lost battle, not only because those green eyes were full of determination, but also that the younger man could make him speechless by sitting himself in his lap with  his arms around his neck. That didn't stop him from trying but his own will was fading slowly as he was unconsciously dragged into Nathan's fickle games. He only knew he had lost big time when the man in his lap smiled victoriously and kissed his forehead before he stood up and pulled him up with him.

"Then it's settled! Three days and you're mine for the night," Nathan laughed and pulled at the older man's hand, leaving book and wine behind. Wait...

"Three days? I thought it was one week!"

"Three days, seven days. Almost the same. Come on now, we have a lot to do." Kostja didn't really want to know, he just wanted to get back to his book but Nathan was relentless in his grip. "First, we need to get you into something more comfortable. And after that I have prepared for 'Truth and Dare' and a pillow fight."

"Wha-- no. Just no. Nathan, this is utter stupi-"

Kostja almost walked into the other man, managing to stop himself as Nathan halted. He looked at the still form in front of him before it slowly turned around.

"You want to do something more... 'Fun'? I can do that," he said and purred, pulling the man close to him, wrapping his arms around his waist as he nuzzled his nose up his neck. "Just thought that you wanted to take things slowly, that's all."

"...'Truth or Dare' will do fine, I guess," Kostja resigns and heaves a sigh, not at all surprised when Nathan enthusiastically begins to pull at his hand again, excitingly begins to explain all other activities he had planned for the evening.

No, this definitely was not the calm evening he had planned for, but maybe... Looking at the mess of raven black hair in front of him and the way his sleeping pants were slipping down those alluring hips just so... Maybe it wouldn't be 'that' bad.

fic, request/gift, bjd

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