Oct 15, 2009 06:39
1 year post-op; 162.7lb
It's official. The last pertinent entry in my medical records request listed me as 163.5lb in August 1992, when I was just 12 years old. That was when I started to gain weight...probably after Laura's dad. The next earliest entry in the records request listed me as 114.5lb, at age 11.
The records request...isn't necessary anymore. I'm not aiming for anorexia; it'd be insanity to try for 114.5lb when I'm 5'6" and 2 days shy of 30. Everything else, from here on out...I pave a new way for myself. That...feels good.
I added people from both support group and my Deltas to my Facebook in the last 12 hours. That too is a growth and a symptom of my new era of communications. I've always been afraid of meshing people from my various "worlds" into the same place, because if I ever had to sever myself from anyone not having the "worlds" distinctly separate would really complicate that effort. But, even if it's scary...
I want to be connected. I want the fragments of my self and life to come together...