Medieval Times, Movieland Wax, Ivar

Oct 26, 2005 08:17

We celebrated Sasha's halloween birthday a little early by a surprise visit to Medieval Times (my first time!), the Movieland Wax museum (which is closing forever), and um Ivar.

our knight won!!! woohoo!! RED AND YELLOW!!! YEEOW!

he had super long hair and wasn't that hot but it's okay


you know i don't think there was rain in front of him. just rain sounds. lame!

blurry but this was a cool ass set

i love this picture!

it's MK&A...hehe i couldn't resist

best movie ever!!!


then it was onto umm ivar which we must never go to again!

"if only these guys were hotter," the princess thinks to herself

emergency lipgloss

princessa tony

this picture is blown out but i ain't complaining.

oh no you didn't take a picture when i wasn't ready!

this is my favorite picture. she is soooooo hot.

the weekend was fun but pretty damn exhausting. the entire week was exhausting now that i think of it, with all the random drama and crappiness i was feeling. then i got sick over the weekend and took this monday off work. the vegging around seemed to really help because i immediately felt better on tuesday. hopefully i'll be all better in time for this weekend & the greatest holiday that ever was and ever will be!

ok time to catch up on LJ.

friends, birthday, photos

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