Nov 30, 2009 21:10
I haven't posted about anything in quite awhile, so..
How's everyone doing? Did you have a good holiday? (those that celebrate thanksgiving) Is everyone feeling the Christmas spirit yet? (those that celebrate CHristmas) Anything totally discussion worthy happen while I've been in lala land?
What's been up with me you ask? Aww, so thoughtful. :p
Well, I've been job hunting like a maniac starring down the barrel of her last few unemployment checks. I'm really rather nervous about it even though I'm poking fun. It's probably not wise but I've decided to go ahead with my normal Christmas plans. THe last however many years I've tried to be in the spirit of it all but fell miles short of my regular fa-la-la-la-la, but this year I've dedicated myself to it whole heartedly. I've explained it to my close family, so they understand if I freak out about garland or something, why it's so important, another growth step on my path to Kelly the individual not the wife, and they all sounded like they understood.
So, this Thanksgiving I planned to go up north, Traverse City, to visit the in-laws for the break. My sister, parents, sister-in-law, and her family were all going as well. THe day I plan to leave I get a call from my Grandmother that my Grandfather has needed to go to the hospital by emergency vehicle, yes she said exactly that, and that it's not good and we should come. So I call the sister, we were supposed to be picker her up at school on the way upnorth, and tell her to come down and come straight to the hospital. I pick my Dad up at his dialisys appointment, as planned, and tell him whats going on and we all go straight there.
Apparently, after my grandpa had surgery the week prior, all his docs got together, in the same room if you can believe it, and worked out a medicine routine together so that nothing crossed over or canceled something else out. It didn't work. THe cumiden (sp) thye had him on ended up being so high that it dropped his pulse and heart rate extremely low, to the point of passing out and not breathing!!! So they all got to gether again, on Thanksgiving - I know I was Shocked as well-, and worked out another regiment. THis one seems to be working well. He's home and doing way better, not loosing time, still week but way better and comfortable.
SO I ended up canceling my upnorth plans and had to stage an impromptu Thanksgiving dinner at home. Of course, since I was planning on all of us being away for 5 days, there was nothing in the fridge or cupboards. I ended up at the grocery store at 10:00pm trying to find all the stuff for a proper dinner. I ended spending all the cash I had set aside for Black Friday shopping so the next day was also a bust, although I did get a few steals online :).
Saturday and Sunday I spent installing my Moms new computer, which I bought her for CHristmas, putting all the right programs, settings, what have you. Today, oh today, I have been on the phone with Microsoft, Lenovo, and both of them back and forth again until I've lost my mind. The computer freaked and started changing defaults willy nilly, word started deleting presets and other settings that I put in their cause my mom uses them almost everyday while working, she transcribes on-line. OMG!!! SHe's been yelling at me, I've been trying to get the techs to understand why I need this fixed yesterday and I keep getting bounced all over the world cause no one can figure it out.
At this point, I'm ready to give up. I also got my Roxio Creator this weekedn, delivered, and I havene't even had a chance to fiddle, play, and try anything with it. All in all this holiday weekend has been way up and way down. I'm hoping that this week shows some huge turnaround potential cause I've got a lot planned.
Tomarro is another day, I try to be optimistic! :P
Tomarro I go get the Christmas Tree, it will be smooth and simple, I'm betting on it!
my day