
Aug 03, 2005 10:19

I got the girls back safe 'n sound this morning.
Their plane was a bit late and then I had an anxious hour of waiting on the barricade but it was worth it to see the slow, but sure, dawning of recognition and then that big first smile...
Halo's smile was even better:)

We only just managed to get all of the suitcases (and new pram!) in the car and then it was off for a quick brekkie and home to let the girls sleep.
But Heidi just found the tapes of Desperate Housewives I recorded for her while she away so sleep for her has been put on the back-burner.

Loads of pressies, everything from movies to 'Wolverine' boots and a way cool AC/DC shirt, so I'm a happy camper as I didn't really expect anything other than the bass pedals/strings etc that I ordered from a store over there.

Oh and gt_general, the drumsticks were neatly packed in the suitcase and they are the right ones, so now you have 12 new pairs to break as you see fit. 
matt_hell your Tuner was in there too, I'll see about dropping it in to you today if fayr goes to sleep sometime.
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