Dec 29, 2013 16:32
1 Map of St. Dominic’s floorplan
1 Note from Andi “LYLASBALM”
1 Note from Mixn stating that “Jessie is a buttcheese.” “Yippy Skippy” and “Son of a monkey.”
1 Tiny note from Andi
1 Note within a note from Karen with “Pochacco paper” 9 pages in the note within a note
1 Shaped like house note between Laura and I. I called Katie a bitch and apparently she said I can find my own ride to school.
1 Letter from Karen in a colorful envelope. 3 pages from 9.29.97 8390-0127. She reminisced about tennis lessons, “forever play Monopoly”, She was the ship and I was the car
1 Letter from Andi reminiscing about my busted head, running by the big slide and she scraped her knee so I gave her a stuffed animal I won to cheer her up, hanging out with clothes on in the “Jacuzzi”, eating food, truth or dare and food again, and “Oh, remember all the fun we had at school? Remember Mr Dyer’s class? 122, and our little atom people we built, oh yes and our little “death wishes” and “Talking jet-skis” and me and you being “Dirty Jews.” Also, Sigmund Freud project and “Mr. Dyer, Julie, and Peanut Butter-what? Football-comma and P.S. Beep Beep Beep Beep- This just in Scott is still finer then ever!!!”
1 Note from Stacie: “Suzie Q, Suzie Q does whatever a Suzie Q can”
1 Note from Sarah P. “I know I’ll introduce you to skittles!! Skittles this is Susie, Susie this is skittles. Say hello, skittles…BANG! Ok now you’ve meet skittles.”
1 Football shaped note from Sarah, “Satan of Sea Otter Hell”, with a remark from Ezen, in which she asked if I saw the new show Roswell
1 Note from Amy in which she is watching Romeo and Juliet, “Leo is so HOT!”
1 Heart shaped note form Binski in which she says, “Heck Yeah Vagina Monologues! You speak eloquently and with passion….Good luck tonight!”
1 SNS schedule with mention of Cole and Chicago
1 Note from me to Sarah and Amy
1 Note from me to Sarah with “my friends wanting to say hi to u Sarah. Here they are. This is George. (snowman) He’s cool. (waving) Hi Sarah! This is Billy, he’s a jackass. (another snowman) Do you notice n-e-thing about Billy. He’s attempting 2 flick you off. Bad Billy! Bad. HaHaHa! HEHEHE! I punished Billy 4 u. Look at his arm!” Snowman’s head is on the ground as is 1 arm.
1 Square note from Niki in which she talks about Sandra Brown, Danielle Steel, and needing a pic of Jethro
1 Note to me and Niki from Sarah and a flower that “’Dawn made me color it pink!’ ‘ I didn’t I just said you should! You didn’t have to listen.’ ‘Yeah whatever Dawn.’”
1 Tigger Valentine from Rosemary
1 Note from Chris Ratt with “Thumbbody loves you”
1 Dream written down
1 Triangle Square note from Chris Ratt thanking me for the Oreos and she gave me the moon and stars
1 Note from Rebecca with drawings of cubes, Poe, and volleyball
1 Note from me and Katie in which I talked about Dames at Sea, Cherry Orchard, cool beans, NSync concert, the island of Winona, and she talked about HMS Pinafore and gave me Niki B, Linda B, Becky M, and Abby G’s email addresses
1 Note from Amy talking about the mall and stuff
1 Note from Sarah talking about reading “The Hobbit”
1 Note from Sarah saying “All pink markers must burn!”
1 Note from Chris Ratt about Precious Memories
1 Note from Amy talking about Dawson’s Creek, Six Flags, and not really knowing much about me
1 Note from Niki talking about crushes, song lyrics, and poetry
1 Note from Laura S. in which she said, “I think OJ is innocent.”
1 Note from Andi 8.23.96
1 Note from Amy, man I loved her but the girl really couldn’t spell
1 Note from Sarah in which she writes “sdrawkcab & nbsidedawu”
1 Note from Amy in which she shared a dream
1 Note between Andi and I “Tootle-Loo Scooby Doo”
1 Happy Birthday Note from Melissa H.
1 Note from Amy talking about spiders, Six Flags, and how she loves being scared
1 Tiny note from Karen L.
1 Tiny note from Karen L. These were from San Francisco
1 Tiny Note from Andi
1 Tiny Note between me and Andi
1 Note from Sarah P. about squirrels, cross stitch, and yearbook
friend lotto box