iTMS Pepsi Ad

Jan 29, 2004 10:56

The ad for the iTMS Apple/Pepsi promotion that’s going to air during the Super Bowl has been released, here. I must say that I’m not impressed. It plays off of the recent lawsuits that the RIAA has been filing against everyone and their grandmother (quite literally actually). As much as such a stick-it-to-’em sort of ad like this should have some emotional grab for someone in my age group, I must say that I’m unmoved and not impressed. It seems more like just another ad, just another promotion. It’s just a standard fare Pepsi ad with a massive iTunes Music Store promotion backing it up.

Admittedly, I do have a bias against beverages that are basically carbonic acid, sugar, water, and some artificial flavoring and coloring :-)

I think it’s a great way to promote the use of Apple’s store (which in turn will drive iPod sales, which is what Apple is really after), massive numbers of free downloads available to quite a large portion imbibers of soft drinks. It’ll get people to download Apple’s software, and download their free song(s). Everyone likes getting something for free, even if getting that free thing requires a decent bit of time and effort (download Apple’s software, installing that, signing up with iTMS, downloading).

This brings up something rather interesting about American culture. People will go to ridiculous ends just to save a few bucks, even if it’s on a several thousand dollar purchase. Getting that “great deal” that you can brag about to your friends seemingly justifies the extra time you spent tracking down that item that cost $1995 instead of $1999. Ultimately, I think this has a lot to do with perception. People buy and sell based on their perception of future events, future values. The perceived value of getting a great deal is more important than the time invested.
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