Character Relationships

Nov 19, 2010 13:02

Character Relationships

 ♥Momomiya Ichigo♥ 
Love. Just Love. Ichigo is the girl Kisshu gave his life for. He wants to be with her so badly. There is not a thing about her that he does not love. Sadly the things he loves also include her pained and fearful expressions. Ichigo sometimes brings out the sadist in Kisshu. But he also loves her laughter. And if anybody who is not him dares to hurt her.... Kisshu will go after this person until the end of time.

♥Higurashi Kagome♥
Best Friend. Also Ex-girlfriend. Kisshu really cares deeply for her. When he said he loved her, he wasn't lying. Breaking up with her was hard but necessary. It still doesn't stop him from being jealous of Inuyasha. Possesive as he is Kisshu likes to think of Kagome as his. Then again she's one of the few persons that actually can talk sense into him. Now he tries to see her as a sister-like person more than a love interest. Kisshu also is really protective of Kagome.

♥Aoyagi Ritsuka♥
Challenge. Ritsuka simply doesn't want to be close to Kisshu. Kisshu's ego doesn't accept that. This is the reason he constantly lurks around the kitty-boy, trying to get him to open up. Then again Ritsuka is one of the three persons, who Kisshu really cares about on Salkia. After Ritsuka simply replaced Ichigo first, he now truly likes the boy. Ritsuka laughing would be a thing Kisshu'd really like to see. Especially if he is the cause for it.

♥Mutou Atem♥
Mystery-man. Atem can be pretty confusing, really. Kisshu is annoying, but then again challenged by that. He would love to find a way to really annoy Atem. Also Atem kind of replaces Pai as a brother-like character, who brings Kisshu down to reality. It's not that Kisshu would listen to Atem's words, but the fact they are there is somewhat reassuring. Somehow.

Friend. Kisshu likes the girl, though her shyness sometimes irritates him. Living in a house with her was nice. Losing her wouldn't be a truly painful experience, as Kisshu is used to people dying, but he wouldn't enjoy it either. If Kisara got hurt, Kisshu also would be angry at the person who did it, even though he would not be so eager to take revenge.

♥Uchiha Sasuke♥
That guy. Kisshu doesn't have a problem with Sasuke himself, but he had one with Ciel. Sasuke happened to be protective of the boy, so Kisshu and him automatically started disliking each other. Kisshu doesn't really hate him or anything, it's more some kind of I-laugh-at-you-Disliking. Kisshu actually enjoys such relationships somewhat.


Hate. She has dared to hurt Ichigo badly, therefore Kisshu considers her an enemy now. He'll be glad to fight her with everything he has. Before that happened he didn't like or dislike her particullary.

Rival. Even though Kisshu and Kagome aren't together anymore, he still hates the thought of Kagome liking Inuyasha. Kisshu would take almost every oppurtunity to fight the other boy and he'd truly love seeing him lying in the dirt. Then again he doesn't exactly hate Inuyasha, as their rivalry is one of the more enjoyable kinds. Their fights are actually a little fun.

♥Ichijouji Ken♥
Friend. Not as in close friend, but as in... friend. They got along during the highschool-time and also get along quite well, when the Island is in it's usual state. Kisshu likes the other boy, even though they're not too close.

♥Mutou Yuugi♥
Chibi-Atem. While Yuugi seems nice to Kisshu, he sadly also seems to share Atem's morals. Kisshu gets annoyed at the high-moral-type of human as they attack his fighting behaviour. Then again he does not feel dislike towards Yuugi. They get along pretty well, in times when Kisshu does not go nuts and attack the world. Hoping for some kind of friendship certainly exists.


Wicked Lady: Kisshu felt very, very close to her. She told him the things, that his heart really wanted to hear. Also she gave him a family. She's probably the person he misses the most.

Motomiya Jun: She was a good friend of Kisshu and he would've liked her to stay. They got along really well and Kisshu appreciated that.

Ciel Phantomhive: Kisshu's enemy. In a I-laugh-at-you-Way. Those two just didn't like each other. They were constantly mocking each other, making fun of each other. Kisshu likes that relationship a lot. Actually he misses Ciel quite a lot sometimes.

Tamaki Suoh: Friend. Kisshu and Tamaki got along really well. Tamaki was one of the first human friends Kisshu had and their interactions helped him, getting used to living among humans. Back in the Highschool Kisshu even thought about joining Tamaki's host club.

Hirako Shinji: They only met during the Highschool time, but he was the only teacher Kisshu respected. He was his Sensei and Kisshu enjoyed Karate/Kendo-practice with him.

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV: Friend. Ed was a funny girl and Kisshu enjoyed spending time with her. It'd never get boring with Ed around. In Highschool they kind of were partners in the crime of trouble-making.

♥Comment if you are not listed yet or want an update of your section

*cr, *ooc

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