(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 13:08

thy christmas tree is up!!! thought i'd share a pic of it!! it's so much bigger than i thought it would be and it only costed £8 (not bad at all), can't wait til i get paid from work (i got shocked when i saw how much was left in me bank lol) haha i always spend a lot on christmas though always getting sucked into the commercialism of it (can't wait til it's over) also i have a meme from tangoineden (interesting questions)

(click to see it bigger)
that's conrad being curious

1. What is your favorite thing about your hometown?
ooo gosh i have no idea (nothing) lol! hmmm i guess it's easy to go around in, i always look forward to coming back after a holiday. lol the weather!!
2. What are your favorite foods?
ooo gosh i love ramen, Pasta, candy! anything that my taste buds agree with
3. If you could only watch one show for the rest of your life, what would you pick? (it can be a tv show, film, anime)
oh that's a hard one!! i have so many i like watching, always depends on my mood, i guess the old doctor whos lol!! lol still need to think on that one!!maybe seirei no moribito for an anime, always made me feel like i was in that world!
4. Do you prefer texting or calling someone?
TEXTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's cheaper lol even if it takes me a year to write one word!! i don't really do much though!! i like emailing lol!
5. Not an easy question, but what does art mean to you?
ooo this is a weird question (interesting though) i guess it's like just expressing yourself. art is in the eye of the beholder, this is why i tend to have some arguements with art teachers, what they think is it art can be different to what i think is! anything can be art even to what people are wearing, of course i'm not one those people that think like an old toilet seat can be art ( that's the turner flop prize stuff lol) that's just trying to be all quirky (just my opinion)

PS it is freeeeeeeeeezing and misty outside!! (loving it though)

conrad, xmass, meme, christmas

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