Starting Up Again.

May 01, 2009 01:31

Livejournal, forgive me. I strayed for almost a year, lost and utterly alone on other free blogging sites. Sticking with the original is the only way to go. I should have known. Besides Tanya (who encouraged me to pick back up), I don't know that any of my friends use this outlet anymore.

I just realized its May 1st. It may be silly to feel an extra ounce of hope about the dawning of a new month, but I do. Like the way people bug out for a new year, the start of a new month helps me to keep looking forward. Since my last few entries, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. But I laugh looking back, because the things that stressed me out then, more or less, are still stressing me out today.  I guess I'll never learn.

I think I figured out what is, quite possibly, one of the more disappointing things in life:
Sharing something special with someone, whether it be a spot, a poem, a favorite food or drink, a photograph, a smell, a sweater, a song...and wanting them to feel as supremely good about it as you do, only to find that they don't. Maybe that only makes sense to me. But I've grown tired of exposing extremely special parts of who I am, just to get apathy in return.

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