Apr 20, 2009 18:20
One again sitting here in the engineering building being lazy as fuck!
Have lots of emotions running through my mind.
Now that im officially part of a Greek Organization (Alpha Kappa Psi) I can't stop thinking about the negative steryotype that I used to have of it, along with so many others. I love all my friends, but it really really really pisses me off when people automatically think negative things if you refer to your fraternity. Also there are the people that im close to who still continue to make jokes about how I've sold out. And not just them but many other less close friends of mine have also seemed to dislike the face that I was branching out. And im not gonna say its all, cause its only a few, but when one person says something negative then all of a sudden i get to thinking that lots of people feel the same way, but don't say it.
And im proud, proud to be a part of Alpha Kappa Psi, and it was a long ass road to get in! It is something I did to better myself, and no it does not, and never will replace my best friends. And for the people that are giving me shit, and will continue to give me shit in the future, fuck them, I don't need em. If you got something nasty to say than dont say it unless you honestly think It needs to be said. Because anyone that makes a stupid generalization about what im involved with, I will have no patience for.
Anyhow, I know im preaching to a small audience, whom most of them don't have any problem with AKPsi, Its just something i wanted to get off my chest.