So, I know I JUST said I was going on a hiatus but I'm SO EXCITED TO START THIS FIC. Well, heres the dealio, I'm planning on my FIRST chaptered fic (I hope I can stick with it!) within a few months :D It'll be based off of Pocahontas and it'll be Joick and just- ugh! I'm so excited! I'm thinking about tweaking the plot a little bit, maybe, and I just made the banner for it and I'm really glad with how it turned out :D
I was thinking about putting Joe and Nick on it but I couldn't think of any way to do it without it looking tacky :/ Besides, I mean, if I saw that banner, I'd probably go click on it cause.. I think it looks like, eerie, almost? idk. BUT YEAH. I'm sooooo excited for this. It'll be prewritten so I won't have to be like "OMFG I HAFTA WRITE AND POST NEW CH WATWATTEHFUCK" because I would sooo do that :|
But yeah... for anyone who cares :)