Jan 03, 2010 23:30
EPIC FAIL: I got out of order. Whoops.
One of the things that strikes me when I consider this category is how often I say that I don't watch much TV, but really I watch way more than I think. I need to work on that, I suppose. There are so many other things to do when you're not tied to a stupid screen!
My favorite show is no longer on the air: Digging for the Truth. The first three seasons were awesome, the fourth was a good reason to cancel the production. Josh Bernstein was a very great host, knowledgeable, just nerdy enough, charming, and adventurous. I learned about many things that I never would have known without that show. To this day, I show it to every geeky person I know and they all at least pretend to enjoy it. I still watch certain episodes over and over again - I bet I've seen some of them 50 times. The Biblical stories tend to be my favorite, but I also love the Native American ones. You should check it out.