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Oct 22, 2005 09:00

Wow..It's been a long time! There's so much to write but I don't really feel like typing it all.. I don't remember every little thing either! But last Sunday there was a big thing with Ariel Dan Me && Randall Uhm Im not going to say anything but now Me && Randall's plans for TONIGHT are kinda screwed up! But anyways last monday was the powderpuff game [Juniors won btw] && I was getting kinda mad at Randall because he kept going off && leaving me for his friends at the beginning THEN when i was with him he was talking to dan && he was like "Man i'm seeing all my ex-gf's here. I seen angel, kristen, whitney, blah blah, all except kelsey baxter" && Im thinking uHm okAY? && U wanted to see them? But then after that, Angel && her friend Patty kept walking by me && Randall && I went into the bathrooms with Ari && Then when we came out angel && patty were standing right there && they're like So kelsey wheres randall && i gave them the bitchiest look && walked over to him && patty && angel walked by again && randall saw me give them another bitchy look && he's like are u mad? && I kept telling him no that nothing's wrong && he saw angel walk by && he's like im sorry just ignore them && he kept trying to hug on me && kiss me but i wouldnt. Haha. && everyone was right about that skanky bitch. she is the FUCKING UGLIEST GIRL IVE SEEN IN MY LIFE. when we were standing there && angel walked by ari said something && i was like im going to PUUUKKKEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA && Randall looked at me, then angel && OMG> EWW!!!! Then last night was our HOMECOMING GAME =] Unfortunatly we played powers && lost. But it's all good =] && Okay, Me && Randall were standing there && Randall was "like a magnet" to me [jeremy said] && jeremy was getting PISSED. he was like RANDALL ARE YOU COMING WITH US OR ARE YOU GOING TO BE A FUCKING MAGNET && KEEP FUCKING DITCHING US FUCK YOU RANDALL && then he'd walk away.. && jeremy kept having Ryan && Remy come over && punch him, then evan nut-tagged him really hard && Chris tried choking him. But they were REALLY GETTING ON MY FUCKING NERVES ESPECIALLY JEREMY. Ugh, I can't stand him that much anymore hes such a dickface. && He kept flipping me off so i was like OHH YEAHH ;) && wink at him && he'd just shake his head && turn around. && then another thing that pissed me off was that jeremy && nate && everyone kept talking to randall about getting drunk && stuff && they were going to leave the game early to do that, but then throughout the game when jeremy && everyone else were bugging me && randall, getting not only me but randall pissed off more than anything they were like randall are u coming with us or are you just gonna fucking stand there && randall was like idk && he turned around && was kissing on me, which made me feel a little bit better. && randall was like its ok they're just jealous because i love you alot more than i love them && your wayy hotter than they'll ever be That made me feel really good =] but then randall && dan were talking about just them 2 going with dan's cousin && getting drunk so dan && randall were trying to sneak away from everyone.. it was kinda funny. But i told randall that i was sorry for getting his friends mad at him because i felt like i was keeping randall from hanging out with them && randall was like no theyre just jealous i'd rather be with u anyways. Soo yeah, he left. But i told dan to watch randall for me && be sure he's being a good boy for me =] I x3 daniel! && Today i have to get everything straightened out.. Im babysitting right now until my mom gets home, then im going to get my hair done, then my nails, then going to see my gma because she wants to see me all dressed up, then going to get pics, then hopefully going out to eat with my one && only, then going to the dance, then going somewhere afterwards.. I dont know who im going to be with or anything! Ahh, Im stressed out right now! But yeah.. Ima go so i can get around && get ready && i need to pack my bag && everything.. Omg. I just cant believe thats its tonight =] im soo excited =] && One more thing, I really really really like Randall. ->ii ThIInk i LOveE HiM MORE THan anyTHIng**
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