Sep 08, 2005 18:24
K so u know i've been grounded. mm hmm.. well okay the first week of school monday, tuesday, && wednesday randall came to my locker after school && walked with me around && we went to his bus && stuff. then thursday && the rest of this week he wasn't there so i just thought he needed to catch his bus or something. well okay this weekend i found out he got drunk at nate's house with some other guys, but that i dont really care about. then i found out that he went over to angel's house (his ex-gf) on monday so i called him tuesday && i was like so what did u do yesterday && he said he went to clio sk8park with cory && jeremy. then i was like ohh really didnt u go to angels? && he paused && was like uhm can u call me back in a little bit im doing my homework. so im like uhm okay so i called him back && i asked him again, && he goes yeah me && mike did but all we did was jump on the trampoline. so im like ohh.. && he goes why. && im just like ohh nothing just wondering && we were talking && out of no where he goes your acting weird && im like really how like what do u mean && he goes nvm just forget i even said that && stuff but then i had to get off the phone so yeah. then yesterday at school he was fine && everything but i didnt see him after 6th hr because i found out that he skipped it to go somewhere && smoke. i was just like NICE. alright .. this morning -> he comes up to me && tickles my sides && takes my hand && walks off with me down the hall && he said he needed to talk to me. he told me that "he thinks we should go on a break for a little while until i get ungrounded because he doesnt get to see me outside of school or anything && not to be mad && that hes sorry" && so im like uhm wtf? && hes like im sorry dont be mad. && im like are u gonna go out with another girl or something? && he told me no so i asked him again && he still said no so im like okay && started to walk away && hes like can i get a hug? but i ignored him so he just hugged me anyways && i left to my 1st hr. so then before 3rd hr, cory comes up to me && was like dont tell randall im talking to u && dont say anything to him but just to let u know hes been going to angels house every day after school && im like are u serious && hes like yeah.. && im just thinking omfg randall has been lieing to me this whole time. && cory also told me that he was going out with angel before he broke up with me. Omg. all my friends are soo damn pissed at him now its hilarious. && rachel told me that she told him off before 5th hr. lmao. && she's good at telling someone off when she's pissed, && believe me she was pissed. =] even dan was pissed! hah, soo funny! dan && i were talking && i realized that dan really does care about me because he doesnt like it when im hurt (or when i cut my wrists he was furious) awe i love that kid. he told me that when he talked to randall this morning randall told him that he was gonna ask me back out once i get ungrounded, which is in like 2 or 3 more weeks which seriously SUCKS ASS when u cant do anything. && me && dan were talking && he said that him && ariel dont want me to go back out with him because they dont want me to get hurt .. && i was talking to ariel on the phone a little while ago && she said that me && her are going to get that fucker back. ugh im so pissed right now but yah know what. i still like him. =/
--More later, probly next week lol =]