Aug 05, 2005 09:54
*Wednesday --
I was at my gpa's house && he dropped me off at my house about 2/2:30 && when I got home, I went over to Ari's house && we were just hanging out && we got ready && stuff && went to the St. Robert's dance. OhEmGee. It was soo boring! && this one lady kept eyeing us or something && we wanted to leave && go walk around downtown. So, me && Debra walked out of the doors && Ari && Maggie followed, but then so did that one lady. She's like "GIRLS! GIRLS COME BACK HERE!" Ari && Maggie stopped but me && Debra kept walking, ElOhEl, but then we finally stopped && this lady wanted to talk to our parents making sure it was okay with them that we left the dance! Ugh, so she talked to Ari's && Maggie's parents, Debra left hers a message, && I told the lady I was with Ari so I didn't have to worry about anything, but she still insisted I call them, so I'm like "Uhm, my parents are out of town.." && She goes "Uhm, I don't believe you. Don't they have a cell phone?" && I'm like "Yah, but not in SERVICE." So she's like "Ohh, they have nextel?" && I'm just like "Yeahhhhh.." So she's like "Okay, I'll let you girls go, but I'm still concerned about you." && she pointed to me. Haha. So we were walking around downtown && we stopped at BP because it's airconditioned in there (This was about 8:30) && we seen Nate! We said hi && everything, then Ari, Debra, && Maggie started to walk away, but I went up to Nate && I'm like "Okay, so do you like hate me now or something enough to ignore me && talk about me like that behind my back to my friends?" && he started laughing && said no.. Uhm okay? WHATEVER. So I just walked away. He said he was going to Remy's house, so we decided to follow him. Well he ended up going to Dan's house, ElOhEl. So we went there && hung out on his porch for a few minutes, && walked to the playground && was just walking all around downtown. We seen this kid "Jesus" && I was talking to him. OhEmGee - ElEmAyOh! He's a pretty interesting kid to talk to, haha. *JESUS SMOKES WEED* Haha, that just sounds funny. His real name is David tho. Hahaha. Then we just went back to Dan's house && hung out/talked on his porch. Nate sat on the swing chair thing && I guess I was *touching his leg* && he told Dan .. Uhm ok. Yahh I was touching his leg oHhhHh yEaHHhh U know It. Then Ari's mom picked us up && we went back to Ari's && went swimming (This was about 10:30/11) && after that we were online && playing Mario Kart until 4 in AM. Ari taught me && Debra how to make French Toast! Hahaha. I know how to now! =] Hmm, that sounds good right now.. I haven't had ANYTHING to eat for the passed couple days, && I'm not hungry. Weird. ElOhEl. Mom picked me up at 10:30 && I went home.
Went to my app. at 12:30 && did some running around until like 4/4:30. Came home && was talking to Randall on the phone && at about 6, he came to my house && picked me up && we went to Dan's house. We had fun, ElOhEl. Holly said that she seen Randall && I walking to Dan's house holding hands. ElOhEl. Yepppp. && when me && Randall were in Dan's room, Dan's DAD came in. OHEMGEE. I like flipped out. OhEmGee, ElOhEl. Niceeeee. But, ohh well =] Randall had his shirt off, && I MUST say NICE BOD. Wow ;) *He's really hott tho, ElOhEl*
K, I miss him =[ I BETTER SEE HIM TODAY. I'm going upnorth for 9 effing days to Black Lake tomorrow morning && I am NOT looking forward to it. I reallyyyy do not want to go, but my mother's making me, ugh. I'm gonna miss Randall.. There better be a phone up there, or a computer. I swear.