Aug 27, 2005 17:02
oo that sonny kid reminds me of everett(and you kids have no idea who im talkin about! sonny from 'From First To Last' the lead reminds me of everett for some odd reason)...hmmm k well hey still figuring out how to talk to that blondie crutches kid...hes effin hott...i kinda talked to him at that sophomore meeting thing...k well i lied and said he had something in his hair and if he wanted me to get it out & like he brushed it and i was like no right here and then i 'got it out'...he has soft hair-not greasy or anything...thats good at least hes clean right...omg im outta of rotc and im in cookin class! uber fun! ppl think i went all rocker this year...did i go all rocker this year? i mean im trying to think did i??? converses dont make you all 'rock' do does that make me a poser?? can you even be black and all rocker chick and be a poser??? wow this is confusing... maybe thats why stereotypes are in you can follow them and save yourself a shitload of confusion! but then again would i be a poser because i got alot of stuff from aeropostale and some jeans from ae & i wear nothing but converses so OH this makes so much sense now! i think im its like an effin light is shinin now! (OO GREEN SOPHOMORE COLORS!)i got so much school spirit this year!omg! our pep rally was kickass this yr...well kinda kinda not b/c like they had that stupid movie theatre skit and our stiff ass cheerleaders did a routine-i swear they look they needed some oil or something to help them move...the ppl in front of me were like drop that bitch stephanie! i was like damn let me just watch the drama unfold! it was fun tho! diamond line like got all crunk and shit it was kewl...and then we had the little spirit stick thing and for the 3rd year in a row Class of '06 won and charlotte and ebony danced again...but the freshmen got booed...and i was booin but then i started to think (today i started to think) everybody in that damn gym was a freshmen once but i guess thats the seniority rights we can do that! sara has the same effin napolean dynamite shirt like me! exact same she wore it on thurs. and (of course) i wore it fri! i was like o well i looked better in it- i made it go b/c i had green sequin-y earrings! and then i had my eyes all done up!...note to everyone...putting voluminzing mascara on your bottom lashes really does give them volume...mine were all FLOOM...they were all long and was pretty tho b/c i had the eyeliner (normal) and the eyeshadow...o yeah i saw gentry i threw a paper ball at him and tried to play it off but he stared at me for like 10 min. so i had to make eye contact...i blamed it on brittney...he didnt believe and then when desilynn went to go climb the bleachers she like started leanin to the left all hardcore and she was fallin over on like milam and will and kevin & i wanted to help but i was just watching in shock and laffin so damn hard i couldnt do nothin...but i guess karma does work b/c when i was goin up the bleachers some body pulled me down...i fell between the bleachers and like i saw my foot in front of me and i was like who the fuck pulled down? but i was laffin so i wasnt pissed! geoffrey hollis is abusive to me in german...he writes on always makes dashes on my hands and he wrote on my on the black ones on the right shoes theres a black smudge of pen from him and where i tried to get it off w/ spit...(dumb i kno)...i was like jeffrey! why cant you be like matt and just sign it...his answere i dunno...(matt jaimes signed the other shoe...when he becomes this rich and famous photographer im gonna sell those shoes on eBAY!...i should be doin my chemistry homework...our teacher is so effin kewl he gives us the hw via the net...its effin know what i dont i would always barely pass preap biology and preap chem is like freakin easy...i kno its the beginning of the year but still....chem. rocks! and so does geometry! i actually love math for once...and ap history...the hardest part would probably be doing the essays in 45min...other than that i <3 that class...its not hard at all...just hardcore acclerated but not hard..
aww my bro is sleeping! i can hear him snoring...hes so cute when hes sleeping...speaking of cj he still has my hawthorne heights cd...little theif! thinkin about selling it to him so i can go buy dear diary, my teen angst has a body sucks being broke!