Overall I had a great time. Here is what I did.
Wednesday-Arrived around 2 AM. very tired. Woke up at 10 AM the next day.
Thursday- Went to the water park til 3 or 4ish. Coudn't ride the big slides that required more than two people. Went to dress as Katara instead and went to convention center for awhile. Not much going on. Just checked in for cosplay.
Friday-Woke up early to see Gundam panel because Brad Swaile is one of the few dub actors I like. Went to dealers room and mostly hung out. Went to subculture cosplay panel but had to leave early due to since I was in the fashion show. *boo* Fashion show was fun and okay but some people don't need to be onstage. Especially creepy old ladies. I'm probably going to get yelled at for saying that. Didn't see much of anyone (were were you people!)
Saturday-Didn't wake up as early because not much. Went back to dealers room. Run around in the hallways more. I didn't run into anyone I know til later in the evening (where were you guys. I was mostly alone at the con! :() I did get judged for Selphie but won nothing. Probably because I just plain suck at sewing (XD) or should have made a more complicated outfit and Oshi asked me if I lined it. I feel terrible for saying no and it probably effected me a lot. (but I have no friggin clue how to line fabric at all, does anyone know how? It would help me in the future) I still wish I would know how to improve the outfit but I don't think there is cosplay feedback like at Ohayo.
The masquerade was okay but some people don't need to be on the stage for so long. That Nurse Joy drove me insane as well as some others. (probably going to get hit in the head for saying that) Not mad about not winning, just frusterated over how people get by with these things.
Ran into Vic tards and I was very tired and wanted to change. They kept wanting to talk to me but I wanted to go to whoese line (and i only got to go for like 40 minutes.) Gave them my buisness card so they would shut the hell up (and my dad wanted me to be friends with them, I'm sorry but I cannot stand people who are so obsessed with Vic). The mom was especially annoying and kept telling me on Sunday when I met her about how she had a conversation with Jeff Nimoy at ACEN about making love to him on a stranded island naked. God people need to be shot. I tried to be nice to them but I should have just yelled at them and left.
Sunday-Other than that annoying lady and her child I had to deal with at the water park and while I was packing, everything was fine.
Overall grade 8/10
Pictures coming soon.
Ok, now for some important news for fans of a certain show-
I heard this from a popular Youtube account. Right now, FUNimation is holding a poll of what animes you would like to see them work on next. I'm usually not that crazy over dubs but when I saw the words "re dub of Sailor Moon" I flipped out. That means no crappy dic dub and a fairly decent one (that is as long as Vic doesn't get casted) But it also means dvd with subs so that means I can delete my crappy sub versions off my computer. So for the love of god, VOTE FOR IT SO I DON'T HAVE TO CONTINUE WATCHING CHINESE FANSUBS WITH HORRIBLE ENGRISH!!! Plus its a good cause. Downloading takes up space too.
Here is the link
http://blog.funimation.com/2009/05/we-need-your-input/ Sorry for being so bitchy but some people drive me bonkers.