(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 17:05

Do you think in words, or non-verbally?
My thoughts are in pictures but I cannot draw. - random

Hi~~~ been a long time since I last posted in here, shy shy to face most of you, my lj friends already! Hope everyone's okay and fine~ I haven't really had motivation to write in here, and didn't check flist too until lately (when I ninja'ed in some comments on your blogs), so sorry~

OK just a quick update 'cos I spotted this from shirochan blog, and went a little crazy. It's about GACC, anime/game convention hosted by MMU's Emina Anime Club (forgive me, lazy to check if that spelling is right) this March 1 and 2. I'm probably one of the late ones to know about it, but Morita Masakazu will be the special guest at this convention! @_@ I am so excited. And if all things work well, I will be attending this convention (I keep wanting to type 'conversation', wtfish!). First bus registration on Sunday has been closed unfortunately, so we're waiting right now for the finalisation of the details for their second bus.

Anyway, I said I will only go if there are people accompanying me, even if just one it's fine. Well... I managed to get 10 people to join in the day trip! How cool is that? All I had to say was "Ichigo's voice actor's coming to town, who wants to--!!" Proves how big Bleach is over here. Anyway, I've (hopefully, from the organisers' email reply) bagged us spots on the waiting list, so once all things are finalised, if you're going, see you there!

... I need to go to Kinokuniya this Saturday to get some Morita merchandise *__*

[edit] Goddamn, I had to check and edit my grammar 4 freaking times. Is this the result of abstaining from the Internet?!
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