May 07, 2007 14:29
AH! I can't bring myself to study!! Japanese final was pretty easy so I'm a happy bird. I just realized today-- people who haven't friended me and read my LJ would think I'm a really.... boring person? Random person? Ahahaha, that almost rocks.
So here is a bit of what I learned for my history test that can be skipped:
It was customary law in W. Rome during the Dark Ages to decide guilt/innocence based on physical exams. For example, a jury would have the person hold hot metal or put their hands in boiling water... the accused could only let go of the metal or take their hand out of the water when the crowd okayed it. If you lived you were innocent... so basically, it was up to the crowd whether you were guilty/innocent. SUCKS.
Ok, I learned that! Onto China... unfortunately, there isn't much about it that I go "O_O woah that's cool" about.
Sorry I haven't emailed you Kendra! I'll get to it! After finals finish tomorrow! Or maybe the day after dependent on my zombish looking self.