(no subject)

Apr 06, 2008 06:22

Super duper tired. Just been on a trip to see a couple volcanoes. It was fun, although a bit tiring. Did a 2 hour today to hike up the 2nd tallest peak of Mt. Unzen (it used to be the tallest till it went plodey in the early 90's). Everyone kept saying, "mooouuuuu sukoshi" (a little bit more) to the point where it definately was more than just a little more.

Bus driver tried to kill us coming back by not using the air con. I still feel a bit nauseous from it. We stopped at a school that had been blown apart by a volcano and I said, "aghhhhhhh! i ain't wanna go up no more steps!!" (to get to the school) which made perfect sense in my head--- but also made me worry about my English.

Gonna watch some tele. And then shower. Or maybe shower first. I smell like rotten eggs (sulfur). yuck.
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