Aug 14, 2009 14:53

I died and went to heaven. Metamo, my love for you is endless.

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addictive_sugar August 14 2009, 13:14:01 UTC
the crown label borneo green velveteen JSK killed me.


sushisael August 14 2009, 13:14:41 UTC
Yes, I NEED IT. And the regimental stripes. And the houndstooth coat. Oh god...


addictive_sugar August 14 2009, 13:19:31 UTC
i'm trying to calm myself down and convince myself that i don't need to buy it, cuz i can always commission something in emerald green velveteen that would fit me perfectly and that wouldn't have that huge dumb 'CROWN LABEL' embroidered on it. (the crown and ribbon thingie is nice but why did they put the name above it? whyyy?)
the velveteen stripes are nice too but i'm not so sure about the designs. the JSK looks frumpy and the skirt narrow, for lack of a better term. need to see moar pictures.
the houndstooth coat is sooo cute! i want it in brown but i don't have 40,000 yen to spend on a coat i don't need D;
see, there's a fierce battle going on in my head between reason and consumeristic lust. ;_;


sushisael August 14 2009, 13:23:55 UTC
I think metamos dresses are the most comfortable eveerrr so the thought of wearing that JSK for winter is just soooo tempting. I don't care about the dumb logo XD
I like the narrowness, it makes it more casual and more wearable at school.... but I wouldn't say no to more pictures, cause I think it's hot.
LOL, I don't have it either, but I wish I did. I'm going to dig up my old hand made wintercoat as an option to my black baby-coat instead...Maybe it'll come up on auctions or sale later, then I can get it!
I need money for furniture but my mind is going "SCREW FURNITURE! I can sit on the floor!!".


addictive_sugar August 14 2009, 14:46:12 UTC
stop making me want it, goddamnit! urghhh idk, the antique white lace kinda bothers me. -desperately trying to find arguments against it-
yeah i gotta get myself some armchairs too D; so many things to buy, so little money!


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