
May 20, 2009 13:09

In 6 hours I'll be on my way to Stockholm! I've been looking forward to this trip for months now. I'm so anxious to get going!
I'm not done packing just yet, and I'm so confused about what to pack and what I've already packed.
I usually enjoy packing because I'm very thorough and always decide outfits to wear, and everything I pack need to match so that I can come up with new outfits if I want to.
Something feels wrong this time though, and I'm not sure what it is. I feel like I've packed too much, yet I haven't filled my bag which should mean that I might have forgotten something.
I am also afraid that the clothes I've packed are too warm for the weather down south, but looking at the weather prognosis it seems we won't get very nice weather...

I'm nervous. What if it's raining on Saturday? what do I do with 50 lolitas in the rain?

stockholm, meetup, packing

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