Long time no post. As usual.

Jan 07, 2009 17:26

I, who never gets jealous, is jealous.

My dad. He deserves a picture once in a while!

All of us. Maja, me, Ylva, Josephine, Joakim, Tokis and Sara.

New years-egoshot.

Aaand more ego.

I had a great New years! I had a lot of fun and I miss Josephine already. School has started now and I guess I should be going there. Uh. Tokis is going home on Sunday, but he'll probably move here in March. That'd be good.

I forgot to mention earlier that I got a bunch of CDs from Lars. Among them was one by Ghostface Killah! I find it hilarious because it's so far from what I usually listens to. Lars is my music-guru though, so whatever he tells me to listen to, I will listen to.
He said that I'd told him that I wanted something bombastic. I can't remember that I did though :P

I paid for my IW-luckypack today and it chould get here by next week...excited! the new Babylon DVD will be in that package as well. Good stuff.


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