Jan 22, 2009 11:39
In light of the events that have occurred so far in 2009, this is obviously the year for change. Politically, economically, and hopefully personally. Not actually making resolutions, so to speak, I've had the wacky notion to change my life. Maybe I've fallen into a rut, maybe I'm getting horribly bored being me, but whatever it is, something needs to change.
I made the, probably fiscally stupid, first step by joining a gym. I'll be seeing a personal trainer once a month (with my pay, it's really all I can afford!!), but hopefully I have enough drive to see this through. With that, I've been given a free nutritional assessment from Max Muscle (some month long thing, usually costs about 500 bucks), so hopefully I can get a regular diet worked out, instead of eating whenever there's food in the house or I have money for food.
I'm also finally establishing myself with a primary care doctor. My blood tests got done yesterday, and I'm crossing my fingers that I don't have RA or lupus (It's never lupus!!), even though it would be nice to know if all this pain is for some reason. I'll be having my first physical next month (ugh), and will try to get into a sleep study soon enough.
Slowly, but surely, I'm starting to really get my finances in order. Ignoring this weeks rampant spending on gym fees and a random little Target splurge, I'm able to start putting money away so I can hopefully afford a trip to Vegas in March with my family, and again in September. I think the trips are far enough apart that, if I don't go to school, I can probably afford. Yeah, there's something to tell my parents - sorry, I'm not going back this year so I can go to Vegas instead! That'll go over well. Right after I tell them about my tongue piercing.
Which is healing nicely, and I get to go in next week to get the shorter bar (FINALLY!! It's starting to drive me bonkers). It'll probably be a little while before I can splurge on the vibrating one, but I'm really liking this piercing so far. Gives me something to play with other than pens! One member of my family knows, a cousin, and I'm hoping to keep it that way for a while. We'll see though. I'll probably be able to hide it a lot better than the tattoos I want to get (which I'm thinking will probably have to wait a little bit longer...we'll see what my tax returns are like).