NaNoWriMo word count: 11026 words
Yes, I broke 10k today. I should leave it in the middle of a sentence just to say I did.
this is what happens when you hang out with writers who are avoiding writing. Warnings for word porn, but otherwise work and brain safe.
*yawn* So a fifth of my novel is finished. That's mind-boggling. If I keep going at this rate I'll be finished on the fifteenth, which probably won't happen because real life will kick in. I may slow down a little bit after the weekend. At least I'm ahead now. Yeah, I think I'll finish.
Tomorrow I have to go to a children's clothing store to observe gender for women's studies. I think I'll go to Marshall's to do this. (And so I can look for those chocolates that QS mentioned awhile back. Mmm, chocolate.)
There's also a Java Monkey write-in tomorrow afternoon at four. Atlanta NaNos, you know you want to come.
And my pants have a hole in the back pocket. This saddens me. I like these pants. Boo.