(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 12:05

Well, not too much to report from last time I updated. Stuart made an announcement, in a roundabout fashion, and if you have not seen it, you can find it here We kinda took dibs on how to and who was going to announce it … still feeling rather shy/embarrassed about it, I suppose.

Finally made it to the Wake, after missing the last two through either feel not well or just plain too tired. Managed to have a good bop, but was was not in the mood for talking much, and to tell the truth, sitting next to the dancefloor made it difficult for conversation anway. Made it to Kung Bo (just) Saturday morning, but, as usual after a night of dancing Gawth, knees were in agony, and wasn't as spritely during the session as normal. They felt a lot better afterwards though due to all the stretching.

Saturday night was playing the Zombie game at Fairy n' Dominic's, which was rather good fun, though I did come last, due to Dominic playing a rather evil card at the very last :(

Sunday was a proper start to packing (yes, I know, last minute and all that jazz) … I also know that I have a lot of stuff, but it only really hits you when you do start packing, therefore uncovering stuff *gulps*. There will be several large piles left during/after the move in the 'old' house for stuff for charity or to sell, which can then be dump in a pile in the new house, once stuff is on the respective shelves/places (or that's the plan). With the amount of stuff I am uncovering, we best move soon, so I can sell on before Xmas. Stuart made a tactical error, and the plan to dump a couple of boxes of books and clothing into a charity bank via a nice walk around a park for a breather came a cropper. Stuart had to take today off as he hasn't quite recovered yet. Got depressed over the packing yesterday, and decided as a change to (at last) dye my hair - roots were 15cm long @_@. Work colleagues have yet to notice, but then again, they are mostly huddling around the lone heater in the office, as the radiators are not working correctly. At leat Stuart cannot now rib me about glinting grey hairs for another 2 weeks or so ^_^

Tonight is calling parents before they jet off to warmer climes, and doing more packing *gulps* Will avoid trying to watch the film 'Bewitched' (last night was the second time) as it was truly attrocious. Rather spend some time packing (shocking, I know). Apparently due to snow from this Friday, so the move better not be this weekend ~brrr~
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