Dec 17, 2005 01:23
I'm sorta glad that Tom moved in right around a school break time... living with Tom is great but living with Ayumi has been a total pain in the ass. She's a really sweet kitty and I love her but unless I rearrange my apartment, I have to keep her closed in my bedroom/bathroom so she constantly bothers me when I sleep in past 7am. Ugh! I'll either have to kitty proof my kitchen/living room, get up at 7am everyday, or kick her outside every morning at the risk of my neighbors seeing her hanging around my apartment. My original plan was to let her out everyday but I've found that she's actually scared of being outside (most of the time) and usually doesn't stay out long before she cries to come back in. The second problem is that she doesn't go roaming around the block like I thought she would, but she hangs around the outside of my apt the whole time! If my neighbors see her roaming then that's ok b/c she could be a stray or belong to another complex, but if the only place they see her is in front of my door, its a bit on the obvious side.
I wraped all of Tom's family's presents today. Took forever. I am so not in the Xmas spirit this year.