Feb 12, 2007 22:55

...I might need to throw in some transformation effects between the second and third frames, because the pose and the placement... yeah, uncanny.

This weekend was quite enjoyable; among other things, on Saturday night, darwins_fox and I got together with Jeffrey and Susan, who were both spouseless (the former had travelled to Maine, the latter is still waiting for his visa so he can come here from Senegal. Oh yeah, long story) for the evening, for dinner and drinks. It would have been more enjoyable without the stomach bug I seem to have come down with, though. At the time, I thought it might be mild food poisoning, but the hilarity continues through this evening.

On the up side:

Feb. 28, Iron Horse: Mirah w/The Blow
Mar. 29, Iron Horse: Robyn Hitchcock & the Venus 3 (I'm actually getting d_f to come along for this one!)
Apr. 11, Pearl St.: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!

gip, music, concert

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