Jun 02, 2008 20:28
The five left today. Two dogs, two young men and one girl. I drove them to the river, where we walked the mile or so to the border of the ranch. They would hop the fence, cross the ranch and enter into the trainyard without me for the first step of their journey. The older and female of the the dogs was raised on the road, hitchhiking and hopping trains for months, while the second and younger male dog was just a pup, a runaway and rescue case raised by his impoverished and eccentric master. The bitch would know who to trust and who not to; the pup would learn soon enough. The two young men were of able body and mind, each with a wary distrust for their faceless human brethren. The girl was a basket case, and the object of my fancy for the better part of the last three years. Each eager and able to embark, my only concern for the group was the hope that their dice rolled lucky.
As we parted ways i walked down the embankment to the edge of the river. The smell was humid and somewhat putrid with decay, but the sun was setting and the breeze rejuvenating. I watched a momma duck and her five ducklings swim downstream to hunt for a meal of some recently hatched tadpoles, or perhaps some earthworms. A great White Heron overhead shadowed the land with His triumphant wingspan. Bikers and walkers of every shape and side passed me on the trail, none preoccupied with my prescence down at the edge. It was a beautiful evening for a walk.
May the road rise to meet your stride and and the setting sun light your path.