Title: Filming
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: PG
Pairing: Takayama [TakakixYamada]
Notes: for Jen's (
chibilover14) birthday tomorow!! happy 16th birthday jennnn XDDD sorry i tortured you the whole day with this so please like it at least XDDD i know it's short and everything but x__x;; i hope it's long enough XDDD ummm...im bad at these sorta things so just
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SEE!! Yamada is secretly flirty without knowing it. OR MAYBE he knows it but he's just sneaky o_O [I DONT KNOW AND IM THE WRITER OF THIS FIC XDDDD]
honestly, who WOULDN'T get ero thoughts from yamada touching takaki's stomach? *WHACKS SELF* ANYWAYS, *pokes your brain* NOOOO, YOU CANT DIE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! *andthenblameitonme* XDDDDD [I WAS THINKING OF THAT BUT THEN I DECIDED TO MAKE YAMADA INNOCENT, IS THAT A BAD THING XDDD?]
i dont know if blushy is a word but it described yamada didn't it?! XDDDD therefore it works as an adjective!!! you're having quite a lot of dirty thoughts jen XDDD *IS BEING CORRUPTED BY YOU!!* *POKES YOU* *POURS WATER ON YOU* DONT SHRIVEL UP XDDDD
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'VE KILLED JEN!!!!! TT__TT *sobs* well, she was a good crack writer as we all knew her and she deserves to be with her takayama no matter what so.....*lays issue of jan potato on your grave* XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *CRACK*
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