Title: In the Name of a Child Time: Very, very Post-BDM Disclaimer: Firefly owns me, I own words. Notes: Yet another prompt from another story. Thanks to hfleming8 for giving us Alley's name fic...here is Matthew's.
I said Inara was dead? Where? When? Oh no, that would be a huge error on my part- she can't die,, many more years of fighting with and making up after with Mal...oh dear...hurries back to reread....
Oooh, lots of powerful scenes in here... Mal and Mathew in Serenity Valley, sitting side by side... Inara's difficult delivery! eeep! poor Inara! (I may have a plot bunny there too..hmmm)
And this of course: It comes from love son. Love. Perfect...
Thanks! Praise from one of my favorite writers is so squee inducing!I would love for that plot bunny to grow and romp freely under your guidance! *Hugs*
It might! It's stewin' in the brainpan right now... and I've got another that's cookin up... so.. we'll see. Should have something Sushi!Verse related soon!
This was beautiful. I love the picture you paint of Matthew being the image of Mal... it tears at my heartstrings. This was incredibly well done... keep up the great work!
*Happy dance!* Thanks for the positive note...I could just see the two of them sitting there together, bookends kinda. *Squeee* Gotta have someone in the 'Verse to carry on dong ma? Why not Mal's son?
This was so touching and very powerful. So glad to know that Mal and Inara live to have grown children. And going back to Serenity Valley, and the memorial, that is all so poignant.
You did a lovely job with this. I love how you tied it up so well.
Squeee! *Hugs to Terimaru* This was your baby to begin with (Sushi and Sashimi) I just get to play in the pool sometimes! In my vision, Mal and Inara live a long time with lots of angst and crisis and close calls...but they are together at the end as a OTP should be...imho that it.
*Hugs* Thanks! It was a nice circle in my mind as well. I was prompted to it by a comment Zoe made in another fic about it being Mal's place to tell his son about the war...soooo....Memorial Day always gives me goose bumps, and with the Normandy memorials in mind, I got the plot bunny to offer me some things.
Comments 22
This was beautiful.
and Mal is all broody...
it was just a sad tone....
but good....v. good
And this of course: It comes from love son. Love. Perfect...
Very nice!
Thanks for the positive note...I could just see the two of them sitting there together, bookends kinda. *Squeee* Gotta have someone in the 'Verse to carry on dong ma? Why not Mal's son?
You did a lovely job with this. I love how you tied it up so well.
Thank you! What a great addition to our 'verse.
*Still squeeing over praise!*
The idea of Mal finally coming full circle, visiting Serenity Valley with his son, talking to him about faith...wonderful.
And I loved the last line.
Thanks for sharing! =)
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